Spotlight On: 3D Knight Armiger Upgrade Bits

By Rob Baer | April 30th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News

armiger 3d

Check out these of 3D printed Armiger upgrade bits to transform your standard Imperial Knight into a protector of the Fenris.

Gadgets Plus on Shapeways is a great source of fantastic 3D printed upgrades for your Imperial Knight. We have featured their Space Wolf Knight upgrades, and the Custodes Knight upgrades have been the subject of features, a tutorial, and a several Twitch live streams.

Now, they have 10 upgrades for the new Armiger Knight, a.k.a. the Mini Knight.

3D Armiger Post

Our very own Rob Baer has these upgrade pieces on his paint bench to give you everything you need to know about these upgrades to customize your knight!

For our complete review, be sure to scroll down!

Armiger Upgrade Pieces

The Armiger Knight upgrades range from $10 – $20 and some of the pieces can be printed on higher quality plastic for an additional fee. The upgrades are fantastically detailed and can easily be glued on or magnetized. The tolerances are great and pre-fits well with your Armiger core pieces. You may see some print lines and they may be on the inside of the piece. If you are that concerned by that, you can use a brush on primer. However, Rob has never had an issue using with print lines after using his primers.

Armiger Upgrades On

Here is how the Armiger will look after attaching the upgrade pieces. Rob did a little magnetization work on the arms. Don’t worry, an Armiger Magnetization tutorial is already in the works. There were no issues at all when it came to applying the upgrades. The wolf headpiece is the only head currently available for the Armiger. It is designed to swivel left and right and will stay in place unless you accidentally hit it. You can glue it down in place if you desire as well.

To see Rob’s full review and rules breakdown for the Armiger, check out his review video below!

Armiger Upgrades: $10 – $20

Armiger Upgrades

– This web store is completely unofficial, and its contents are in no way endorsed, or affiliated with Games Workshop.
– Not meant for children 14 years or younger
– These custom designed conversion components will arrive unpainted.

Which model does this part fit?:
These accessory components are compatible with the Imperial “Knight Armiger Warglaive” These components do NOT fit any of the standard sized Knight Titans by GW or FW, as they are about 1/4 of the size. Please view the other listing for parts related to full sized knights.

The Armiger Knight upgrade bits are available now online Be sure to press play on our quick and dirty review video below for the full product breakdown.

For more on these 3D printed upgrades for the Armiger and other custom upgrades, visit Gadgets Plus!

3D upgrades provided for promotion & review.