Something curious was spotted in yesterday’s pricing sheet that went out to retailers. There are some Imperial Guard MTO releases on the way soon!
Normally GW gives our a limited-time release of Made to Order minis when a new supplement or update comes out Be sure to take a look at what will be here only for a limited time and grab what you want for your collection before they’re gone when they do hit the webstore soon!
Imperial Guard MTO Releases (2016 & 2020)
This also looks to be a re-release of the MTO offerings from October 2016, which seemed to be significantly less per model than this release in 2020.
These are all listed as “Warhammer Legends:” on the release sheet, however, chances are they will be pewter MTO offerings that we have been seeing for years. Look for an official preview from Games Workshop soon, and keep in mind we’re not 100% sure of the makeup of each product offering at this time!
Commander Chenkov $10.75 (2016) $25 (2020)
Commander Chenkov is armed with a bolt pistol and power sword.
This single metal model comes in four components and is supplied with a 25mm round base.
Valhallan Regiment $40.00 & Platoon $100
At the time this article was written, we are unsure of the makeup of these particular items. The models above were the classic ones that compromised one squad box set which may be the regiment offering in 2020.
Valhallan Autocannon $17.25 (2016) $25 (2020)
The Valhallan Autocannon comprises a two man crew of loader, gunner, and autocannon.
This metal model comes in eight components and is supplied with a 25mm round base.
Valhallan Heavy Bolter $17.25 (2016) $25 (2020)
The Valhallan Heavy Bolter comprises a two man crew of loader, gunner, and heavy bolter.
This metal model comes in eight components and is supplied with a 25mm round base.
Valhallans Special Weapons $15 (2016) $30 (2020)
The Valhallan Special Weapons set comprises a Valhallan trooper armed with a flamer, and a Valhallan trooper armed with a meltagun.
This two-man metal set comes in two components and is supplied with four 25mm round bases.
Valhallan Comms Trooper $12.25 (not offered separately in 2020)
The Valhallan Comms Trooper comes with a vox pack and is armed with a lasgun.
This single metal model comes in two components and is supplied with a 25mm base.
Valhallan Officer $10.75 (not offered separately in 2020)
Note this could be the Vahallan “commander” listed for $25.oo in 2020
The Valhallan Officer is armed with a hand flamer and chainsword.
This single metal model comes in one component and is supplied with a 25mm round base.
Valhallan Sergeant $9.90 (not offered separately in 2020)
The Valhallan Sergeant is armed with a bolt pistol and chainsword.
This single metal model comes in one component and is supplied with a 25mm round base.
Classic Commissar Yarrick $40.00
If this is indeed the classic Yarrick, we first saw this miniature in the early 1990’s. He was first cataloged in the 94/95 Annual from Games Workshop IIRC.
While the Imperial Guard is about to receive a huge helping hand from Psychic Awakening, you may want to grab these blasts from the past to get you hyped for what’s ahead.
So what will you be grabbing? Are you going to get a few old models for conversions?
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