T’au Codex Preview: Bork’an Sept & Riptide Rules

By James Rodriguez | March 6th, 2018 | Categories: Tau, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Tau Wal HorGames Workshop just gave us another preview of the upcoming T’au Codex. Come check out the latest Bork’an Sept rules and Stratagems straight from the source.

The new T’au codex is on its way, and this week Games Workshop is giving us previews of what we’ll be seeing inside the covers. Let’s take a look at what they had to say about the new rules for Bork’an Sept and two new Stratagems.

One of the defining quality of T’au Empire armies is their prodigious range, allowing them to reach the enemy wherever they may hide with an array of far-reaching firepower. In this regard, no sept can match the reach of Bork’an, thanks to Superior Craftsmanship:

Tau Sup Craftsmanship

Superior Craftsmanship is going to give all units with this tenet an extra 6″ to the maximum range of any Rapid Fire and Heavy weapons they’re armed with. This will help you maintain that defensive position at a safe distance, while still being able to unload your arsenal on your opponent.

For many, the Riptide Battlesuit is the iconic T’au Empire unit, and with the new codex, you can expect to see a LOT more of them on a tabletop near you thanks to a suite of rules improvements. Firstly, the armaments of the Riptide have been tweaked in power to hit harder and have more shots, allowing you to deal more damage with this deadly war machine:

Tau Riptide Weapons

The Heavy burst cannon is getting a nice upgrade to its stat line. It’s now Heavy 12 and does 2 Damage. Standard increased to a Heavy D6, Strength 8, doing D3 Damage. Overcharged also go a little bit of an upgrade increasing the Strength to 9 and doing a guaranteed 3 Damage instead of D3.

With the Riptide’s Nova Reactor, you’ll be able to make these weapons even deadlier, notably bringing the heavy burst cannon up to 18 – yes, 18! – shots:

Tau Nova Reactor

Models with Nova Reactor are going to be getting access to three great effects, but, in order to use them, you’re going to take a mortal wound. Nova Shield will give that model a 3+ invulnerable save. Boost is going to allow you to move 2D6″ in you charge phase, with or without declaring a charge. But, the big one is Nova-charge that will let you change that model’s heavy burst cannon’s weapon type to Heavy 18,  or the ion accelerator’s weapon type to Heavy 6. This can be truly devastating to your opponent’s army.

Tau Branched Reactor

The Riptide is going to be getting access to the Branched Nova Charge Stratagem. For 1 CP, when you choose to use the Riptide’s Nova Reactor you’ll be able to choose two effects from those listed instead of just one. Now, imagine getting a 3+ invulnerable with a Heavy 18 shot from your heavy burst cannon. Doesn’t sound too bad for 1 mortal wound, right?

Tau Exp Weapons

Experimental Weaponry is used when a Bork’an Sept unit from your army fires a ranged weapon that makes a random number of attack. For 1 CP you will be able to re-roll one of the dice used to determine the number of attacks made. This will come in really hand for those time you roll a low number.

All in all this preview is making the T’au look extremely intimidating on the tabletop. Make sure you check back in with us tomorrow when we get another preview of what’s in store for the T’au, and a closer look at the Farsight Enclaves.

If you have to have more T’au checkout the latest rules rumors from today along with a summary of the most recent posts going back into last week as well.

What are your thoughts on the latest T’au preview? Are you going to be playing this army when the new Codex comes out?

xenos codex

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