Tau Release Schedule – Filling in the Gaps

By Rob Baer | September 16th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

new tau closeup

By this point there is no doubt that the Tau ARE coming., but what products will we see and when? Checkout the latest!

Tau Release Schedule

So from yesterday’s leaks we know that White Dwarf 89 lists October 10th as its release date. It’s also focused on the XV95 Ghostkneel, and lists that it includes a minigame for the XV128 Stormsurge (the BIG new releases that dwarfs the Riptide).

So does that mean that the Stormsurge will be the focus of a yet unseen White Dwarf #88 that arrives on October 3rd? Incidentally Star Wars Armada players will recognize that date as the Massing at Sullust event weekend as well.

It seems sensible that XV128 Stormsurge would have already have has some sort of coverage if it’s reduced to mini games status by WD #89.

Here is what we know right now:


September 19th (White Dwarf 86) Khorne Clamback / Battletome (Spotted Already)

September 26th (White Dwarf 87)  Hinted to be Skarbrand

October 3rd (White Dwarf 88) Unknown, AoS Realm of Battle board or Tau XV128 possible. It seems like combo-ing up the Battle Board with the XV128 would be a good idea as it may not be a big enough product to stand on it’s own.

October 19th (White Dwarf 89) Tau XV95 Ghostkeel Spotted below


So there it is release wise. Now all that’s left is to fill in the gaps!

Would you like to know more?

Tau Rumor Roundup


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