Dynamic Teal Primaris Marines: Warzone Atlanta Army Showcase

The Army Painter's Adam Abramowicz warzone atlantaTeal Marines were spotted making a dynamic entry at Warzone Atlanta 2019! Check out this incredible hobby masterpiece full of Primaris hotness.

Warzone Atlanta brought some amazing armies under one roof to roll some dice. Have you ever seen Marines painted this color ever look so good? This army is covered from head to toe in detail so let’s dive in.

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Teal Marines Primaris It Up At Warzone Atlanta: Army Showcase

This army is brought to us by The Army Painter’s Adam Abramowicz

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Bringing in a multi-level display board, these Primaris Marines made a shocking entry. From fast-hitting Flyers to hellish Sniper rounds from Eliminators, each model in this list is decked out in hobby detail.

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The power armor of vehicles matches the power armor of Marines (as it should) and even comes with minute weathering details. It looks like this Land Speeder took a few stray rounds of boltgun fire and debris.

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As for the heroes leading the force, a Librarian and Smash Captain hit the table in an easy, but sweet-looking conversion. Honestly, the Phobos Librarians is one of the coolest models to hit the Primaris line so how could you not find a way to run him in your list?

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Next up, the first Primaris Tech Marine we’ve ever seen manned a Thunderfire Cannon with his own custom servo harness.

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And finally, the wing of Stormhawks and Stormtalons touched down on the battlefield. These guys strafed whatever enemy units were unlucky enough to get caught out in the open.

With this army covered, what are your thoughts on the paint detail? Do you have a custom Chapter of Marines painted this way? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!