6 Best MTO Offerings by GW Over the Past Few Years

We’ve been asking for more MTO lately, so we went back and picked out the best ones from Games Workshop over the past few years.

We’ve said it before, but of course, we’ll say it again, we want more MTO from GW. It gives them more profit (even in the quarter of the release), lets them build the orders into their production cycle, gives people what they want, and cuts out tons of the scalpers.

Since they’ve done it before, we know they can keep doing it, so it would make sense to just keep it going. Allocating out one and two of each new release product isn’t even worth the shipping charge to stores.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of our favorite MTO offerings GW has come out with!

6 Best MTO Offerings by GW Over the Past Few Years

Rumor-Engine-GW-store-Mystey-MTO-new-releasesJust a quick note here, these aren’t available through MTO anymore. But, some of them can still be found on eBay. Just know, if you see something you really like, the price is probably much higher now that it’s on the secondary market.

These are just our favorites, so if you want to see everything GW has offered in a while, you can see them all here. We also won’t be including Indomitus here, but that was also a great MTO offering. Plus it’s a proof of concept that they can actually provide such service.

Catachan Sergeant Ripper Jackson

ripper jackson - exclusive whiteSergeant Ripper Jackson made a second appearance on GW’s webstore as a limited MTO release. This one had to grab a spot because it was going for crazy money, so this was a nice little gesture by GW. Still, the price now has gone back up a ton, so it is what it is.

MTO Imperial Guard

battle for valhallaGW gave the Valhallan Imperial Guard a second coming of sorts with this MTO from back in February 2020. It was pretty sweet to see the minis come back into stock, even if just for a few weeks.

Buy one get one Free! Choose from hundreds of minis now!

MTO Inquisitors & Assassins

inquisitor inquisitionSome of the old Order Inquisition and Assassinorium models were really sweet and were available for MTO back at the end of 2019. They can be kind of hard to find nowadays but not impossible.

3 Chaos Space Marines Releases 

chaos sorcerer wal horGW announced three OOP Chaos Space Marine sorcerers back in the middle of 2019 for MTO, and man it was awesome to grab some of these old-school minis. Most of these can still be found on eBay even today.

Even More Skaven

Clans Pestilens skaven wal hor AoS 2.0 Taking Skaven Clan Pestilens to 2000 PointsThis MTO was interesting because it covered some Skaven that were released over the course of almost 30 years. Ikit was super cool to see MTO for one last time, but maybe we see him make one more return!

40k Vostroyan Firstborn

When these came out, they were some of the coolest Gaurd minis out there! This MTO from late 2018 covered a wide range of the Vostroyan line with even the Platoon being available for MTO.

Did you hop on any of these MTOs? What was your favorite MTO release GW put out?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!