GW just announced three OOP Chaos Space Marine sorcerers are on the way back for one week only. Don’t miss these Warhammer 40k classics!
According to Warhammer Community, you have one week to secure these old school sorcerer models to augment your Chaos Space Marine Army
Three classic Chaos Space Marine Sorcerer models will be available to order from next Saturday for just one week (the warp is fickle like that). It’s already been an amazing year for Chaos Space Marines fans – what with a new codex and a huge range of incredible plastic kits.
These three models date back more than two decades. Each retains an echo of the Space Marine Librarians they once were, but their ornate detailing shows the influence of the Dark Gods and will help them to fit nicely in a modern Heretic Astartes army.
If you love the look of these models from the early 2000’s you may appreciate our Iron Warriors 3rd Edition Chaos showcase below as well! There are a few classics hidden amongst the newer plastics as well…
Will you be picking some of these re-releases for yourself? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and get your free hobby updates each morning as well!