The Eye of Terror: LED Chaos Conversion Corner


When Chaos is finally ready to breach through the Eye of Terror they bring with them every demon you could possibly imagine.

Come see one sweet mini brought to us by Jon Geiger on Spikey Bits Hobbies Facebook Group.

So I loved painting demon engines, and then I got big into LED effects in models, then I got into fiber optic and UV effects, and before long I was down the 3d printing rabbit-hole.

The result of this smattering of interests is my new Slaanesh Demon Prince. based on the maulerfiend, but using mostly 3d printed parts, I was able to print the model with precut channels for the 17 individual LEDs inside.

I tried to make the paint work with and without the lights, and used a UV reactive dye in the injection tubes to make them glow even without LEDs active.

A daemon powered by nightmare fuel, injected through its robot body, I am excited for this prince, and his two friends,


Some Demons are slightly more glowy then other demons within the same realm.


Powered by what appears to be powerful warp energies swirling within their bodies.


“Glow, my minion, GLOW!”

Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits, and seeing your name in lights? We want those pics!