The Garden of Nurgle: Conversion Corner


When the Gardens of Nurgle are finally ready to march out into the world they do so on the most disgusting of legs!

Check out one sick model brought to us by Alex Shaughnessy on Spikey Bits Hobbies Facebook Group.

Here is an excerpt from his post on this model’s background:

Antha-rax now serves under the Executioner as a banner bearer and personal bodyguard, the huge tree upon his back holding a dark aura that empowers the nearby warriors of Nurgle. Sat in the tree lies the ripped out skull of the Captain who defeated him so that Antha-rax is constantly reminded that he remains subservient for his failures.


When you join the Death Guard or Nurgle, in general, get ready to have some severe mutations.


Their mutations vary widely from bloated and disgusting, to emaciated and also disgusting.


“Join us, Space Marines!”

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