The Horus Heresy Art Book You’ve Never Heard Of?

horus heresy walpaper

Have you seen this exclusive collectors edition of Horus Heresy art from the Betrayal trilogy? Checkout our latest 40k er 30k flashback!

Today we’re taking a trip down memory porch, because it’s closer than memory lane, and looking at the collected visions of Istvaan Trilogy.

This artbook  is a collection of all the dope art from the first three books from Forge world just a few years ago.


You’re probably wonder why it’s blank, “Hey Robby B, what are you trying to push on us?” well, if we turn it sideways it might become more clear. This is the forge world binding we’re all so used to by now. This was an Insert in a three book set.


INSIDE of this, and it took me awhile to figure this out, is the art. A lot of people have never seen this book, it’s only been available before in the collector sets and they don’t seem to do be doing that anymore. We saw the book 4 version stick around in collectors edition for awhile and we haven’t seen one since.


This might be a bit dated by now, but when this came out a few years ago this got everyone hyped.


There a sections for each legion that had been covered and the artwork is just bigger versions of all the artwork from throughout all the books but isn’t all obscured.


I really love these digital manipulations.


This is also where the Mechanicum was introduced.


This was just a really cool bonus thing that at the time I didn’t even know I was getting. I really hope they do something like this in the future with the newer books.042716-Visions-017

The artwork in Retribution blew me away. Far and away the best stuff I’ve seen. It was stuff they’ve never done before and that for me alone was worth the purchase alone. I’d love to see another Art Book like this done for the new stuff.

Isstvan Art Book – Horus Heresy Warhammer 40k Flashback 

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