The Most Menacing of Foes: Ork Army of One

artel w iron boss waaagh orks Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka

The Orks are one of the most menacing races that exist in 40k. They are hard as nails to kill and they can make weapons outta anything!

Come see one amazing model brought to us by hobby maniac Andrew Wright featuring the new Iron Boss from Artel W Miniatures!












Here to tell us all about it is the man himself, take it away Andrew. Aside from the prime coat (which was a Rustoleum flat green spray), I used all GW paints on this guy.


From the light green base, I washed all the skin with Athonian Camoshade and then dry brush highlighted with Elysian Green and Straken Green. Sharp highlights on the face and knuckles I used Ushabti Bone.


From there I blocked in all the armor Chaos Black and Wazdakka Red. Metallics were done with Leadbelcher and Balthasar Gold. Bone was done in a base color of Zandri Dust. I washed all the armor, weapons and bones with Agrax Earthshade.


After the wash dried I blocked in the white bits with White Scar and then I weathered the white, red and black bits with a rough dry brush of Leadbelcher. After that, it was highlighting using Evil Sunz Scarlet on red and Ushabti Bone / Screaming Skull on the bone parts.


All that remained was the blue cables and yellow striping where I used Altdorf Guard Blue and Averland Sunset with a wash of Agrax. The grot on the flagpole, severed head, as well as the expelled bullet casings,  are GW bits I repurposed on this Artel model.



Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits, and seeing your name in lights? We want those pics!