The Top “Must See” Army of Ones From 2015

By Rob Baer | January 19th, 2016 | Categories: Army of One, Top 10, Warhammer 40k News

GuillimanThe Top 5 "Must See" Army of Ones From 2015

Come see the top five most popular Army of One miniature features that rose to the top for 2015! Check these “must see” miniature features!

5.) Masterpiece Titan

top 5 army of one

This may just be the best freehand detail work I’ve ever seen. However, sometimes a paint job is just too good to be true, and this may be one of those.

I can’t tell if these are decals or just some sick skills. Either way it still counts in my book, and looks great on the old table top!

4.) The Emperor of Mankind In Miniature

Emperor of Mankind

I have something very special to show you today – The Emperor of Mankind! This model is based on the artwork from the Big Rule Book (below for reference). The model itself was part of a limited casting run. I was lucky enough to be asked to paint one up…

3.) Need to Defend a Planet? 


Checkout this fresh planetary defense laser from the first Apocalypse book.

2.) Harlequin Wraithknight


Wow talk about freehand. This Wraithknight is off the chain with detail!

I love the smashed 6th Edition turn counter on the base for terrain as well! Another Masterpiece by HopeRiver’s Valley.

1.) Primarch – Painted Robute Guilliman

Guilliman - Copy

Hot on the heals of the Betrayal at Calth, and Book V Tempest, Lil Legend dropped this masterpeice, and the rest is history.

I’ve wanted this model since I was twelve years old and it’s finally here. And boy it’s a beauty.

I wanted to hit a few notes with this paint job. Firstly I wanted the armour to be highly polished and pristine. Even in the midst of the Horus Heresy I imagine that the boys in blue still polished their armour….


What was YOUR Favorite Army of One feature?

If you click on the Army of One link you’ll be able to scroll through some great looking figures, all at once.

Army of One Galleries

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