The World Wolf Hungers: ATC Armies on Parade

dark bunny best painted atc 2018

Space Wolves were spotted marching up the boards with their most ancient warriors at the ATC. Check out this beautiful Dreadnought list.

With the Warhammer ATC now over and roughly 400 people that showed up, there were a ton of factions to snap pics of. Grab a seat and sit back as we look at some of the armies that stood out.

These Space Wolves by Dark Bunny Creatives won the award for best painted at the event!

Come and see the what's new from the mid-west base masters, as we take a look at the new Lost Temple round bases from Elrik's Hobbies.

In Cold Weather, I Still Serve

space wolves atc 7

The Space Wolves unleashed their most ancient warriors dating back from before the heresy to march with the newer Armigers in the ATC. Contemptors, Bjorn, and Storm Shield-wielding venerable Dreadnoughts put in work against those who were foolish enough to join Chaos.

space wolves atc 5

A T7 monstrosity hitting on a 2+ with an ax all while having a storm shield is a threat you can’t ignore. The crappy part is that you won’t be able to do much considering it’s got a 3++ save. To make matters worse is that there wasn’t just one of them.

Armigers hung back and popped shots off with their three-flat damage autocannons while Bjorn and his boys went stomped up to melee range of traitor legions.

space wolves atc 8 wal

Look at the detailing of that banner!


The basing on these models is absolutely impeccable. It looks like every model is trudging through the wastelands of Fenris. This army has a low model count but a very high armor curve. Dreadnought lists make some of the most beautiful armies to come across and to that, we say outstanding work!

All in all, the ATC was a huge success as the Warhammer Community came together in one place to do battle and hobby! Congratulations to the winners and all of the owners of their beautiful armies. If you missed the ATC this year, don’t worry.

The 2019 ATC will be in full swing next year so take this time to get your armies in tip-top shape.


More coverage on the Warhammer 2018 ATC