These are the 40k Terminators You Either Love or Hate!

fifth element satureine terminatorsYou’ve probably seen pictures of these making the rounds lately, either way, everyone seems to either love or hate these old 40k Terminators!

Welcome to 40K Flashback where I dig deep for something cool that I have from back in the day! Today we’re looking at the old Saturnine Terminators that look a lot like the Guardians of the Elements from the movie, Fifth Element.


fifth element satureine terminators 1Also, they were the inspiration for the new Invader, and Blightshroud minis from Pop Goes the Monkey, just in case you had no idea of what they were based on.

These guys date back to the dawning of the Imperium: Rogue Trader era circa 1988-89, and they were one of my first purchases back in the day as a wee lad.

40k Saturnine Terminators

I never really played Warhammer till the mid-nineties (mostly cause I was bad at maths till then- and Nintendo was more fun), but I still loved to paint and hobby for some reason.

Eventually, I managed to paint these guys. And hey, looks like I wasn’t too bad for a youngblood either!

I was shocked to find them again in my collection a few years back, and at the time I remembered them as being GW, couldn’t for the life of me remember seeing anything like them in the past 25 years or so.

So I went searching for pictures of them and found their entry is a very, very old catalog. Oh boy, how the hobby has come a long way…

Saturnine Pattern Terminators





Who doesn’t love the feel of nostalgia smacking them in the face? These were made and then GW just never even updated them, not even for Horus Heresy. Eventually, they have slowly morphed into the Terminators we know today.

The Modern-Day Version from PGTM

Invictor Terminators


Old TerminatorsThe hobby maniacs at Pop Goes the Monkey took their inspiration for these Terminators from the old minis! They updated them to the new size, so if you want to play with the old style minis in new games, you can! Just a fun way to take it back to the old school but use the current sizes. If you want to pick some up, you can here.

Does anyone still have some of the old ones laying around? Are you glad they changed the pattern of armor?

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