This is the New Daemon Prince Kit For Chaos Space Marines!

chaos-space-marines-daemon-princeThe new Daemon Prince 40k model kit for Chaos Space Marines has been confirmed that includes tons of weapons and heads!

Another big online GW Preview for all things Warhammer is here! Catch all the latest reveals from  Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community, along with our commentary! It looks like you’re in luck for those hoping for new models coming to 40k!

GW Warhammer Fest Preview

Warhammer Fest

As with last year, there’ll be four full days of online reveals, each with a different theme. But Warhammer Fest has traditionally been an in-person event – and we’ll be back in the flesh this year, with a huge Horus Heresy open day on the final day at Warhammer World.

The action kicks off on the 4th of May, with a day dedicated to Warhammer 40,000 – including more than a few unexpected surprises. Warhammer Age of Sigmar gets the treatment on the 5th of May, with new units, new battletomes, and new characters. Then the 6th of May is skirmish day – a treat for fans of more than a few Warhammer game systems.

It’s good to see both AoS and 40k getting their own version of the Chaos Daemon Prince days because hopefully, this means tons of reveals along with Horus Heresy and Specialist Games.

This is the New Daemon Prince Kit For Chaos Space Marines!

Chaos Daemon Prince official GW imageThis is the section of the kit we saw last week, but the one kit will be able to make all kinds of variations!

Daemon Prince

This fearsome arch-fiend can be built in numerous ways, with different options to pay homage to each of the four dark gods, or Chaos Undivided! You’ll note that he bears some of the marks of his former existence as a Chaos Space Marine, now rippling and twisted into a horrifying new form.

Chaos Daemon Prince

Of course, this battlefield behemoth will have a datasheet to match his prowess. We aren’t quite ready to reveal that just yet, but you can bet your bottom credit that he’ll be a match for the best the Dark Millennium has to offer.Daemon Prince 2

This massive, evil-eye-popping miniature – if you can even call it a “miniature” – won’t be out for a while yet. We’ll certainly have more information on what this fantastic fiend can do in due course, however. Incredibly, he’s part of a dual kit – you’re also able to build the Daemon Prince for Warhammer Age of Sigmar, albeit with very different accessories.

New Chaos Daemon Prince: Unboxing & Build

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming 

New Chaos Daemon Prince 2This is a pretty cool model, but it does run for $80, so just keep that in mind! Rob talks a lot about the price in the video, so check that out to get all his thoughts!

New Chaos Daemon Prince & Warhammer Rules SPOTTED!

Spotted on the Waaagh Studios, what looks to be a brand new Daemon Prince of Chaos is on the way along with new rules for Age of Sigmar as well!

Looks like there’s a new Daemon Prince model coming soon!

Yikes, Khorne seems to be losing its “auto charge” combo in Age of Sigmar in what we assume to be an upcoming Slaves to Darkness Battletome?

Size-wise this guy looks to be bigger than the existing Daemon price of Chaos whose sculpt is nearing college age by now.

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games workshop daemon price for sale

The existing Games Workshop Daemon Prince even comes in an AoS box but contains the Warhammer 40k version, wild!

But wait there IS more. Another image was also spotted of the new Chaos Daemon Prince model! By this point, everyone seems to think it is presumedly plastic as we see it appearing in a Warscroll book as a standard army choice, and is in this background image as well.

Seeing as how the current kit has dual builds for Warhammer 40k and Age of Sigmar there is no reason to think that this model also won’t be for both systems too at this point.

GW Reveals New Chaos Daemon Prince Model & AoS Roadmap!

Chaos Daemon Prince official GW image hor

After those images were spotted on the internet GW did their best to either follow up their own leaks, or just one-up the leakers. Either way, they both chose violence, and we get shiny new previews! Yah!

Yes, Battletome: Slaves to Darkness is on its way. Archaon’s armies are riding out from the Eightpoints to stoke the fires of Chaos, and lay claim to the Mortal Realms with an iron gauntlet in the name of the Ruinous Powers.

Chaos Slaves To Darkness Battletome

The new battletome also heralds new miniatures – lots and lots of spiky new miniatures – and the crowning jewel of this release is an all-new Daemon Prince, who towers above the mortals under their command.

Chaos Daemon Prince official GW image

There’s more to this miniature than meets the eye, but you’ll have to stay tuned to Warhammer Community next week for more information.

That sounds like they are hitting at what some photato quality images have already revealed that there is a Chaos Space Marines bits for this model too!

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

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