What do you think of these armies? There was fierce competition at the Coastal Assault GT, and these players still brought off-meta lists!
For competitive players, most of the time they will flop between armies playing what they think is the most powerful. But to the players who have a “home faction”, they will play almost anything that their army offers and make it work. That’s when you see awesome anti-meta lists appear.
Check out these unique army builds.
Thanks to Best Coast Pairings, we are able to look back at the events as if we were there ourselves.
Coastal Assault GT: Space Wolves- Chris Frost
Running into the Space Wolves right off the start, Chris took Logan Grimnar, among a few other HQs, and led multiple squads of barebones Intercessors.
For a fast Vanguard option, he gave Wolf Guard on Bikes storm shields. These guys were the “net” of the list, jumping in front of everything that was getting too close to his firepower. These were mainly here to run interference and to take up a big tabletop footprint.
Next, over half of his lists’ points were dumped into a Relic Falchion Tank. If you didn’t know, this is a T9 monstrosity capable of pumping out 2D6 shots at S16 doing 2D6 damage a pop….It also had 8 las cannons. In other words, if the enemy had armor, it wasn’t going to be sitting around too long. All in all, great job. This is a list that would definitely make people’s eyes turn big.
Coastal Assault GT: Tyranids- Jamie Woodard
This list brought Genestealers, Genestealers, and more Genestealers all in the fastest Hive Fleet rules set. While you might think it’s extremely susceptible to Flyer lists like Eldar/Dark Eldar, this list (on paper) looks like it would be the bane of some forces.
Bringing a total of 237 Genestealers and a few choice characters, this list was able to send droves of rending claws at the enemy’s ranks quicker than a Kriegsman running to hit something with a shovel. And yes, the list is extremely prone to air firepower (or any spammable dakka for that matter), if this list got to go first, it would be ugly.
With so many bodies on the board, these Genestealers would be able to overwhelm Drones hovering around Riptides, lock up Iron Hands Leviathans, etc. It just acted as one big rending tarpit list. It’s pretty awesome to see!
Stumptown Stomp: Ad Mech- Craig Boyle
For this list, there were three main threat blobs and some other supportive units. Starting off, a huge unit of Kataphrons hit the table rocking plasma. These were in their own Battalion supported by a few cheap Rangers for other obligatory Troops. Next, Kastelan Robots also hit the board with Phosphor Blasters. These were able to pump out a ton of S6 screen-shredding firepower to clear objectives and keep the rest of his list from being tar pitted.
Another Battalion was taken with minimal points thrown into the Troops and HQ’s (Daealosus from Blackstone Fortress being one of them). The majority of the remaining points were put toward three Skorpius Disintegrators with Energy Cannons. While these have a decently-tanky statline, they were able to stay out of LOS with their weapons and still fire on the enemy.
Overall, awesome job with the list and not being afraid to go all-in on some choice units!
What do you think about these lists? Which one is your favorite from these three? Have you tried something similar?
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