Go Purging With These Sacresant & Paragon Warsuit 40k Rules

Armies-on-Parade-Lore-40k-title-sisters-of-battleNew 40k rules for the Sisters of Battle Paragon Warsuit, Dogmata, and Celestian Sacresant makes purging heretics easier than before!

Warhammer Community just unveiled a bunch of new rules for the Adepta Sororitas ahead of the upcoming codex. If you have been waiting with bated breath for the new book, you don’t have much longer to go now!

Time To Purge With These Sacresant & Paragon Warsuit 40k Rules

Paragon Warsuit rules

If you want to see all the releases coming along with the codex, you can check them out here!

Today though, we’re going to focus on what the trio of new units can do. Let’s first take a look at the new stratagems from yesterday, then jump into the rules!

Sisters of Battle Stratagems

Sisters of Battle StratagemsFaith and Fury is an old friend, helping your Battle Sisters get the most out of the miracles they perform, and now it’s even cheaper than before at just 1CP. With your precious Miracle dice more in demand than ever, it pays to stretch each one as far as possible.

For one CP this is pretty sweet! You basically can guarantee for one dice and one CP, an automatic wound. Perfect if you need that Melta shot to go through!

Sisters of Battle Stratagems 2

As the rank and file of the Adepta Sororitas, it falls to Battle Sister squads to hold the battlefield’s vital points in the face of whatever the enemy might throw at them. Defenders of the Faith makes them incredibly tenacious when guarding an objective, with foes needing to press through a storm of boltgun fire only to find the Battle Sisters shrugging off wounds that would lay any normal human low.

This being both a damage buff and a durability buff really makes this powerful. Not only will you be getting double shots at full range, but you will also be getting super tough.

Sisters of Battle Stratagems 3When an even greater defensive wall is needed, look no further than the shield-carrying Celestian Sacresants and their Ecclesiarchal comrades in the Crusaders. Both blessed with powerful shields and trained to hold the line at any cost, using Inviolate Shieldwall will see bullets, bolts, and las blasts peel off them like rainwater.

Paragon Warsuit Rules

Paragon Warsuit


Paragon Warsuit rulesPiloted by the most worthy Sisters of the elite Celestians, Paragon Warsuits are deployed wherever the fighting is thickest. Their large, armoured bulk, coupled with surprising agility, allows them to duel with the most fearsome of enemies and emerge victorious. The finely wrought suits are a cut above regular-sized power armour, featuring many of the same systems but in a greatly more durable package.

They have a strong move, decent Strength, save, and Toughness. With only 4 wounds a pop, the damage reduction is really nice, hopefully with the 2+ save they will be able to survive some shooting. Overall, not a bad statline, we’ll just have to wait for points on them to see how effective they will be.

Paragon Warsuit rules 2


Paragon Warsuit rules 3Commonly equipped with one of the holy trinity of Adepta Sororitas heavy weapons – the heavy bolter, Ministorum heavy flamer, and multi-melta – they also wield huge melee weapons crackling with power fields to tear through enemy armour like it was tissue paper.

These weapons are pretty much what we expected in terms of shooting. A set-up with a bunch of flamers will be able to roast all kinds of infantry though! Plus the CC weapons are both pretty sweet.

The Paragon Warblade will give you 5 attacks with S6, -3 AP, and 2 D. Which, if you’re taking on Marines a lot, this will tear through them! The Paragon War Mace gives you 4 attacks at S9, -2 AP, and D 3, but with a -1 to hit. If you need them to cut down vehicles and monsters, this is a perfect choice.

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Celestian Sacresant

Celestian SacresantsWhile many members of the Celestians are trained to act as bodyguards for their Canoness and take to the field with the trusty boltgun at their side, others venture out into the galaxy on holy quests. When these Sacresants answer the call to war and return to their Order, they take up thick powered shields and heavy melee weapons to fight at the very forefront of the Adepta Sororitas’ campaigns.

We were kinda hoping for two wounds because we are guessing the points cost for these will be fairly high. We do guess the shield will give them a decent invuln, so hopefully, they will be able to survive the shooting phase.


Celestian Sacresants rulesThe Hallowed Mace seems like a winner, just simply because it deals D2 and they would be wounding T4 minis on a 3+. The Halberd can cut through armor much easier, but at only 2 attacks a pop and one damage, the Mace seems like it will be more taken.


Dogmata rulesThe fearsome Dogmatas uphold righteousness among their fellow Sisters, and while we’ve seen just why their allies fear and respect them in equal measure, it’s worth knowing that their enemies have just as much reason to stay away from these exceptional warriors. 

Nothing too crazy on the datasheet, but her real benefit comes from the auras and commands she can issue. She can also use the Hymns of Battle which are pretty strong and will really buff up nearby units.

Dogmata rules 2On top of using the Hymns, she also has a great ability for ObSec. Meaning you can either count as double for objectives or give Objective Secured to units without the rule.

Doubling the model count can really make it hard for the enemy to actually take any objectives from you!

What do you think about the new rules? Do you like the stat lines so far?

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