Top 10 Tutorials of 2020 According to You!

years-best-tutorials-2020Check out the top 10 tutorials of 2020 according to Spikey Bits readers, because if you need some tips on painting these are the ones!

We have some really great content creators with some amazing tutorials here! If you’ve been looking for some tips to get your armies looking that much better, these are for you! Even if these aren’t for your army, they are filled with tons of great tips.

Top 10 Tutorials of 2020 According to You!

All of these tutorials are pretty amazing! They cover everything from airbrushing to detail work. Much like the meta, Marines dominated the list. But even for other armies, they are chock full of amazing techniques. Let’s dive into the list!

10) How to Paint Ultramarines Blue: Primaris Tutorial

fs01-brightultramarine-walpaperPrimaris Marines are about to get a heaping load of support in Indomitus, so check out this tutorial on how to paint that iconic Ultramarines blue.

9) Painting Primaris: Blood Angels Red Armor Tutorial

blood angels hor walPrimaris Marines are looking hot with the new melee support inside Indomitus, to get your Blood Angels Red Armor to stand out, this is the tutorial for you.

8) Easy Space Marines Battle Damage Conversion: Tutorial

wyatt battle damage tutorialWyatt is taking us through a different type of tutorial as it’s more of a conversion.  Today he is walking us through Battle Damage on Space Marines.

7) Magnetize Your Primaris Space Marines Aggressors

Magnetize FeatureFutureproof your Primaris Aggressors- I’ll show you how to magnetize them to swap your weapons super fast and easy just in case of a rules change…

6) Painting Miniatures, Comic Book Style! Incredible Hulk Tutorial

hulk painting walWant to bring the comic-style artwork to your miniatures? Check out to paint the Incredible Hulk and get started on your next project!

5) 3 Steps To Painting Glow Effects On Eyes: Squidmar OSL Tutorial

squidmar glow tutorialSquidmar is here, once again, with another quick and easy paint tutorial. This time he’s tackling glowing eyes with a unique twist; no airbrush!

4) 10 Easy Schemes To Paint A Necron Army: Tutorial

10 Easy Schemes To Paint A Necron Army TutorialGot the Indomiuts box but now you have to paint it? Use these 10 easy schemes to paint an entire Necron army as fast as possible!

3) GW Releases Rapid-Fire Airbrushing Tutorials (Minus Duncan)

gw-airburshes-now Citadel Airbrush PaintWanna learn how to airbrush? A new 4 part tutorial series is here from GW showcasing airbrushing techniques using their paints, sadly minus Duncan…

2) This is one of the Best NMM Gold Tutorials Out There: Squidmar

squidmar nmmSquidmar is back with another one of his tutorials! Here’s his recipe for NMM gold Non-metallic Metals on his minis, which is one of the best by far!

1) Duncan Rhodes Releases His First Non-GW Painting Tutorial

duncan rhodes returns painting academyDuncan Rhodes is back with his first non-GW painting tutorial. He breaks down how to paint a new Sororitas model.  Check out the new video format!

Which tutorial is your favorite? Have you used any of them to get your army looking better?

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