Top 3 Homebrew 40k Army Lists From Thankskilling

40k-homebrew-army-listsThree more off-meta army lists emerged in these 9th Edition 40k tournaments over the weekend- take a look at these homebrew lists!

9th Edition’s meta is still settling, but some players are taking lists with units that nobody was expecting. Check out these awesome homebrew lists that emerged in a tournament over the weekend. They didn’t do too bad and this just goes to show that it’s more about the general’s skill than what you play.

Top 3 Homebrew 40k Army Lists November 21st

best coast pairingsThanks to Best Coast Pairings we are able to look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.

Thankskilling 3: Raven Guard- Baby Gap

Raven guard hor wal


thankskilling rgStrangely enough, after seeing a power spike at the end of the last edition, Raven Guard fell off pretty hard, but some people are still trying to get some success with them.

Starting off with two solid choices in a Captain and Chaplain getting decent utility and abilities for the rest of the list to utilize. There’s a single squad of Assault Intercessors, also pretty stock. Then this is where it gets interesting… A jump pack Vanguard Veteran squad (plus one below), for a total of 8 dual claws, 4 shields and hammers, plus 2 chainsword and shields.

Overall those two Jump Pack squads will seriously mess up whatever they get into combat with, especially with additional buffs from abilities and stratagems (like +2 to charges for instance).

thankskilling rg 2For Heavy Support, we see the standard 6 Eradicators for that sweet sweet anti-armor.

thankskilling rg 3For the second detachment, we see the return of the signature Kayvaan Shrike, who is one of the core reasons to go Raven Guard in a competitive setting. Two Redemptor Dreads bring a suite of ranged weapons to help support the melee units from before. Two Inceptors bring even more great anti-armor in the Plasma Exterminators, and finally, Two Suppressor Squads to help snipe out any pesky threats.

Thankskilling 3: Chaos- Nicholas Hiatt

traitor-legions chaos wal


thankskilling chaosFor chaos, right away we see it’s more of a Tzeentch leaning list. This time around Nicholas opted to go for Ahriman and his psychic support, plus a Daemon prince for a tiny bit more and a good melee beater. Follow that up with 20+ Rubric marines and you’ve got yourself a pretty elite CSM force. There are also 10 Scarab Terminators for even more beefiness and some extra firing power.

thankskilling chaos 2The second detachment is all Daemons. The main takeaways here are the Changecaster for extra Psychic support, Nurglings to hold objectives from the get-go, and the flamers to help deal with some enemies in close combat or shooting.

thankskilling chaos 3There’s also a single reinforcement with one squad of blue horrors just for some extra bodies to fill out the remaining points.


Murmillo Tank Upgrade For Hover TankIf you have an Impulsor kit already, this makes a great Gladiator Tank!

Murmillo Tank Upgrade For Impulsor Hover Tank $35

Thankskilling 3: Blood Angels- JB Brock

Blood Angels cover hor wal


thankskilling ba

Moving onto the Blood Angel list, there’s a Sanguinary Priest, Chaplain, and Chapter Master in charge of dishing out most of the buffs for the list. Then there are three squads of Intercessors suggesting that the list is taking a staggered melee turn.

thankskilling ba 2Moving onto Elites, there are 5 Blade Guard Veterans with Sword and Shield, offering up some decent dense melee combatants. Following that up there is a squad of 10 death company marines with chainswords, getting access to the Death Company Stratagems. Boom there it is.

thankskilling ba 3There are two Redemptord Dreads, bringing a ton of ranged options to help support the melee front. 2 squads of Sanguinary Guard can be melee or ranged, but will most likely run up with the rest of the melee force (or drop in now with the latest BA previews).

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Lastly, 6 Outriders, give the list some extra movement and ranged to help secure the objects or kills that may be off the beaten path.

Overall each of these lists offers a little bit of a different approach by we like them because of their all-in on an aspect of their faction in a response to the meta. Even better they are getting decent results from the players.

What do you think about these homebrew 40k army lists from last weekend that caught our eye?

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