Top 40k Team Tournament Pics from Adepticon 2017!

Daemon GrottoThere were some truly amazing displays during the Team Tournament. Check out some of our favorite displays we saw from over the weekend!

These teams put in a lot of time and effort to get these displays completed for the Team Tournament this year. Their hard work definitely paid off!

Miller TimeLong War ArmyChapter Grab BagDaemon Grotto

Firedrake ArmyEldar WorldNecron TombImperial ColoradoDrop Pod AssaultCommand Station


Checkout Adepticon’s website for the full event line-up list, as we’ll try to cover as much as we can! Checkout the links below for our last eight years of covering the event from the hobby trenches, it’s been a blast.

Adepticon 2017 Coverage


Adepticon 2016 Coverage

 Adepticon 2015 Coverage

Adepticon 2014 Coverage

Adepticon 2013 Coverage

Adepticon 2012 Coverage

Adepticon 2011 Coverage *Long War Wins 40k Overall Best Team*

Adepticon 2010 Coverage