Top 5 Units to Field Under 100 Pts for Warhammer 40k

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40k can be all about cramming the max amount of value at the cheapest cost possible. Check out our own list of the top 5 units under 100 points.

With the standard tournament lists sitting at 2,000 points there’s a lot of different units to choose from. Players usually dump a ton of their points into one or two units that do most of the legwork. With that said, there may not be much room for anything else in the list.

Top 5 units under 100 points

Here are our top five units that you may want to try fitting in your roster for under a hundred points.

1. The Kelermorph

gsc gunslinger

This guy clocks in at 60 pts and has a T3 frame. While he’s not the toughest unit out there, he’s protected by the character keyword and can always deep strike in first. Essentially guaranteeing one turn of use for him. He gets six shots with an S4 pistol that hits on a 2+ but where this guy really shines is his Gunslinger rule. He can target characters AND shoot again for each successful initial hit. That can be a total of twelve shots peppering a character with -1 AP shots.

This is usually enough to reach the invulnerable save on any kind of Space Marine. Even if he kills a basic Marine character, he’s probably already made his points back.

2. Urien Rakarth

Urien Rakarth Cover Img

Urien Rakarth is the named Haemonculus for the Dark Eldar. He sits at 90 pts and comes on a T5 frame with a 4++ invulnerable save halving any damage he takes. Keep in mind that he also gets a 6+++ FNP from his Power from Pain ability. He’s deceptively hard to take down and also has character keyword protection. Really, he’s a valuetown lynchpin for your army too. If you’re playing Prophets of Flesh as well. As long as your other friendly units are within 6″ of him, they get to add +1 to their toughness, strength, and leadership (in our opinion he’s worth his points alone without all the aura buffs).

3. Imperial Guard Mortars

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Imperial Guardsmen mortars have made a name for themselves in 8th edition. With a weapons team of three mortars only costing 33 pts, you can actually fit three units of three into your list for 99 pts. These models get 1D6 shots a pop at S4, have a fantastic range, and can target units without LOS. This translates into anti-screen firepower that can still be relevant later in the game. These guys can hip off a few wounds from vehicles and even take down characters trying to hide in buildings (as long as they’re the closest). 

4. Nurgling Swarms


Nurgling Swarms are Nurgle’s little mischief-makers on the table. They can infiltrate and start the games already sitting on the objective with objective secured. Their small model makes them easy to hide behind buildings/other terrain and can actually shrug off way more firepower than you’d ever expect 54 pts to be able to do. If you’re playing Daemons and need some mid-field disruption and objective grabbing, these should be your first choice.

5. Necron Immortals

necron immortal

Yes, Necrons made it to our top five list of units to pick from. Necrons themselves may not be in the best position as far as 8th edition factions go. However, Immortals are seeing play in tournaments and are actually coming out on top at only 75 pts for five. They’re a better choice than Warriors because Tesla can really make ten shots turn into 20-30 hits if you roll right. Plus, they have higher strength weapons (sitting at S5), a better save characteristic, and you don’t really have to ever worry about these guys running away in squads of five or ten. All you have to do is put a hurtin’ on some Warriors in a big squad of twenty and they’ll probably all run away. If nothing else, you just forced your opponent to spend 2CP for the chance of bringing a handful back.

And there you have it! These are our top five unit options that we would recommend to anybody playing that faction. What does your top five list of units under 100 pts look like? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.