Top 6 Non GW Alternative Nurgle Models

By Wesley Floyd | November 28th, 2018 | Categories: Chaos Space Marines, Editorials, Nurgle, Warhammer 40k News

great unclean one nurgle death guard wal hor

Nurgle has some of the most disgusting, pox-ridden models in Warhammer 40,000. Take a look at some unique non-GW alternatives that won’t break the bank!

Nurgle already has some intensely putrid models out there. But have you thought about stepping beyond the realm of Games Workshop? There are so many fantastic models you’re missing out on!

Chaos Obliterated Warrior Mutant Pack  27.19


These can be used as Deathshroud Terminators for Death Guard or make some gross Obliterators for any other army. They’re disgustingly perfect and they come in a pack of three from Wargame Exclusive.

Creature Caster Plague Angel $89 CAD

Plague Angel Creature Caster

Creature Caster’s Plague Angel is a little big for a Daemon Prince in tournament standards. But he’d be a fantastic Mortarion. which right now is pretty clutch to have in your list if you have space. This crusted-over scythe-wielding being of death incarnate would be the perfect centerpiece to that Demon army of yours.

Chaos Mortuary Prime Winged (Limited Edition) 39.99


Wargame Exclusive has some absolutely amazing sculpts, and the Mortuary Prime is a perfect example. This is probably one of the crispest looking models that doesn’t take away from that Nurgle feel. Every time you look at this model you see something new and it draws you right back in, almost hypnotizing.

Creature Caster Glutton Demon $149 CAD

Glutton Demon

If you’ve been looking for an alternative Great Unclean one then look no further. The Glutton Demon’s whole body is covered in mouths, tongues from head to toe, guts spilling out, and they finished it off with a bone hammer.

Creature Caster King of Ruin $155 CAD

king of ruin

Need more Great Unclean One options? Or may just one REALLY big Daemon Prince? Creature Caster’s King of Ruin is one of their newer models and is a fantastic option. The model can actually be customized with a flail instead of the sword if you want to go that route as well.

B’ahl’kch’in Armoured Blight Beast £49.99

ball chin

This resin model from MIERCE MINIATURES is too detailed to not be a character. What’s tankier than a Nurgle Daemon Prince? A Nurgle Daemon Prince with a shield, of course. This model carries all aspects of Nurgle. A huge, slow-moving hulk that looks like he could shrug off wounds that would normally put something on the ground.

What do you think about these models? Do you use any in your Nurgle army? Which one of these looks the best to you? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.