Top 7 Nurgle Models To Up Your Game

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Nurgle has some of the most unique, and disgusting, models in Warhammer 40,000. Today I’m going to be going over my top 7 favorite models.

So, let me start by saying that given the task of picking my top 7 favorite models for Nurgle proved to be a harder task than anticipated. I’m a huge Chaos fan and Nurgle has a soft spot in my heart. But it could just be the plague deteriorating it… With that being said, let’s jump right in on my top 7 favorite Nurgle models, and where you can buy them.

#7 Chaos Obliterated Warrior Mutant Pack 33.99


These models are the perfect “counts as” Deathshroud Terminators. They’re disgustingly perfect and they come in a pack of three, what more could you ask for?

#6 Lord of Virulence $62

Lord of Virulence

Creature Caster has been putting out some amazing models, and the Lord of Virulence is no different. This is now up for pre-order, limited to 100 models, and will start shipping on October 30th. Daemon Prince with Wings anyone?

#5 Great Unclean One – Greater Daemon of Nurgle £120

Great Unclean One

Forge World did a great job when they designed the Great Unclean One. This was honestly one of the first Nurgle models that truly captured the essence of Nurgle that I was looking for. Tongue wrapping around the sword, open sores everywhere, guts spilling out, tentacles popping out, what more could you ask for?

#4 Plague Angel $70

Plague Angel Creature Caster

Speaking of Daemon Princes, the Creature Caster Plague angel will make an amazing Plague Angel with Wings, which right now is pretty clutch to have in your list if you have the space. What I like most about this model is that it has the true look of a plague infested daemon and he’s screaming right in your face. It’s almost.. What’s the word… Angelic!

#3 Chaos Mortuary Prime Winged (Limited Edition) 39.99


Wargame Exclusive has some absolutely amazing sculpts, and the Mortuary Prime is a perfect example. This is probably one of the most crisp looking models I’ve came across that doesn’t take away from that Nurgle feel. Every time you look at this model you see something new and it draws you right back in, almost hypnotizing.

#2 Glutton Demon $112


Glutton Demon

Creature Caster is making the list one more time with the Glutton Demon. If you’ve been looking for an alternative Great Unclean one then look no further. The whole body is covered in mouths, tongues from head to toe, guts spilling out, and they finished it off with bone hammer. That hand looks hungry, maybe you should get it something to eat.

#1 Mortarion, Daemon Primarch of Nurgle $140

GW Pre Orders Mortarion Content

The Daemon Primarch himself, Mortarion, is definitely taking the #1 choice. Games Workshop knocked it out of the park with this model. He’s surrounded by his little nurglings, floating above the ground, ready to lead his faithful servants into battle.

I really had a lot of fun coming up with this list, and I wasn’t surprised when Creature Caster took three out of the top 7 slots. But, Games Workshop did put a lot of thought into the model and truly mastered the look of Mortarion.

“We are all tyrants. Do not fool yourself. We were bred for nothing else.” -Mortarion

What do you think about the top 7? Was there a model you wanted to see on the list that didn’t make it? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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