Top Five Unbeatable Warhammer 40k Army Lists For June

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Don’t miss the top 5 hottest unbeatable Warhammer 40k army lists from the first week of June, as tournaments are just starting to heat up for the summer!

With 40k tournaments constantly being held, we’ll be taking a look at the biggest, most recent tournament results. Here are the top five first-place lists in 40k as of right now. Thanks to Best Coast Pairings, we’re able to look back at all the results like we were at the tournaments ourselves.

40k @ Lincoln: Chaos Soup- Jimmy Pettersson

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All in all, this list runs your standard Daemon package with the Bloodletter bomb and nigh unkillable Plaguebearer blob. However, the new Slaaneshi Daemon Prince, Syll’Esske was taken (and we’re not surprised). Syll’Esske gets to attack twice each turn with a different weapon in each. As for the rest of the list. Ahriman led a Daemon Prince and some Tzaangors into the fray. and finally, ten-man blobs of Cultists just filled the gaps where needed.

Plains of War: Imperial Guard- Brenden Chrustie

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Buckle up on this one…There’s a lot going on…

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Running three Battalions total, there was no shortage of CP…or bodies. He also took the Emperor’s Wrath formation out of Vigilus to give his more units more bang for their buck.

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In the first detachment,  three Wyverns were bubble wrapped by Guardsmen. In the second, Tank Commanders were bubble wrapped by Guardsmen.

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And in the third, Primaris Psykers were bubbl wrapped by…you guessed it…more Guardsmen. Imagining this player’s side of the field must’ve been like looking at a sea of T3 bodies. chrustie guard 4

Ninety total Troop-slotted Guardsmen cluttered the table, grabbed objectives, and blocked the enemy from any solid charges. Good job!

Overwatch Battle Royale: Aeldari- Christopher Wright

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As for this Aeldari player, he brought a cheap Battalion and a Spearhead. The Battalion was mainly for stockpiled CP and Eldrad Ulthran. Meanwhile, the Spearhead was full of Shining Spears, War Walkers, and Razorwing Jetfighters. Between the Razorwings unloading into a prime target turn 1 and the Shining Spears following close behind, this list was fast and oppressive. (Like most Eldar lists).

Bad Moons GT: Orks- Simon Priddis

Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka orks wal hor



This list was built for speed with most of the points being dumped into the Evil Sunz keyworded Boyz. Ninety slugga/choppa Boyz were led by a host of Ork characters on Warbikes. But before they made it into krumpin’ range, two thirty-man squads of Stormboyz softened up the enemy lines. As for Psychic support and body-count, a secondary Battalion was taken with Weirdboyz and Gretchin.

Beats Lab GT: Chaos- Austin Wingfield

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Looking at this Chaos lists, some new characters came out to play. With the main package being the classic Daemon list (Plagubearer/Horror spam), Ahriman had plenty of bodies to hide behind and work his magic.  Meanwhile, Mortarion did what he normally does and flies right into the enemy to cause a ton of damage. A Master of Executions also tried to hunt some heads while he was on the table and go for the weaker characters. Plus the Eptimoe shut things down.

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Finally, three Lord Discordants in a Soulforged Pack hit the table. While they didn’t really have any Daemon Engines to buff, they can all unload a flurry of attacks themselves.

All in all, we’re seeing a bunch of unique lists start to pop up in the meta. While most top lists are running a couple of the same units, there’s still a lot of variation overall. Great job to everyone who came in first!

Let us know what you think about these lists in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.