The 4 Big Things That Forge World Needs to FAQ?

By Rob Baer | March 25th, 2016 | Categories: Forge World, Rules Conundrums, Warhammer 40k News

gw hq space marine tilt

Hey GW, don’t forget Forge World Needs FAQ too! Come see our list of what may be the Top 4 things that need an FAQ for Warhammer 40k!

First off kudos to Games Workshop for asking for player input on rules questions I.E. FAQs.  It really shows to a lot of folks there is something going on at HQ that may be for the better!

But what about FORGE WORLD? Who do we talk to about our even more expensive rules sets that have issues?

try at home

This article is rated: Do Not Try This On The Tabletop

We not to advocate any of these antics we talk about in here, it’s to educate folks as to what”that f-ing guy” can do, and thusly something you may see on the tabletop.


Rhino MKIIc

The Invincible 500 Point Rhino? Legacies of Glory Conundrum – Can you take nearly all of the Legacies of Glory from the Imperial Armor Book 2: Warmachines of the Adeptus Astartes for FREE if you take the Iron Wolves formation?

relics of the armory

How do you take Relics of the Armory?  Now that there is NO Master of the Forge or Master of Sanctity rules in the 2015 Space Marine codex, because both the Chaplain and Techmarine moved to the HQ slot, how the heck do you take those sweet tanks?


The 3 HUGE New Titan Rules We All Missed? Forge World updated the Warlord, Reaver, and Warhound in the Horus Heresy Book V: Tempest, with a version of Invisibility (and other cool new rules too). Plus they basically gave the same hot new rules to the Eldar titans even for 40k following the release of Doom of Mymeara Second Edition. So wheres the love for the Imperium or Chaos Titan versions in 40k? Heck can you even “use” the Warlord titan in 40k?

severin loth

Astartes Refugees – Can we please get an update to the Badab War rules from 5th Edition that have never been updated over to 7th Edition completely? Things like Sevrin Loth technically don’t work in 7th Edition, and it would be cool to see how he along with the other Badab War chapters’ traits work with the 2015 Space Marine codex IMHO!


Well there you have it folks, our list of the top 4 things that could definitely use a FAQ nod from Forge World.

What are your thoughts on these questions OR did we miss any hotly contested topics around the table top in our list? Be sure to checkout our leading top 10 candidates for new FAQ’s from Games Workshop itself as well, below.

Top Ten 40k Rules That Need an FAQ – RULES CONUNDRUM

Is Games Workshop Listening? Long War Episode 44