Top Warhammer 40k Homebrew Army List: The US Open Tacoma

40k-homebrew-army-listsHere’s what scored the top spot as our new homebrew 10th Edition Warhammer 40k army list from the Tacoma Open.

Check out this excellent homebrew list that emerged in a tournament over the weekend that shows that sometimes it’s more about the general’s skill than what you play.

Top Warhammer 40k Homebrew Army List: The US Open Tacoma

We can look back at the event thanks to Best Coast Pairings as if we were all there ourselves. Save $20 by subscribing for a year of BCP by clicking this special promo link.

US Open Tacoma top 8

US Open Tacoma: Matthew Geyer – Chaos Daemons 4th Place

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Matthew Geyer

Matthew did pretty well with a super-elite Daemon list! It was led by Belakor and Shalaxi Helbane, which seem to be the best point-for-point models that all Daemon players auto-include in the current 10th edition meta!

Dropping in a Shalaxi to change out of Belakor’s aura of darkness sometimes can hit an assault with an easy roll.

Where he takes his own ideas are the 3 Lords of Change for some huge psykers that buff each other and a Blood Thirster as a massive melee threat! There’s an inherent risk with dense lists, but if you can effectively max out all the value each round, it can work in your favor.

There are also 12 Flamers to help with chaff clearing as the main way to deal with enemy front lines, allowing the big models to crash into the bigger opposing threats on the charge.  Or just hang back and score objectives while overwatching on anyone who gets too close…

Click Here For More Top Warhammer Army Lists

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