Treefolk Imperial Knights: Ancient Warriors LVO Showcase

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Even the trees have guardians in the 41st millennium. Check out this over the top Knight army that was spotted on the tabletops of the 2019 LVO.

The 2019 Las Vegas Open was another massive event for Wargaming that pulled people in from all across the globe. Of course, when you have that many players there, you’re bound to see jaw-dropping armies.

LVO 2019

Check out this Imperial list and its paint scheme that is quite honestly too cool for words.

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Warriors From an Ancient Lore

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This entire army brings a whole new meaning to The Rule of Cool. This list looks like it was lying dormant in the forests of Terra for thousands of years, only to be awakened by battle. In a way, this is like the Grimdark version of the Treefolk from Lord of the Rings!

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It’s no doubt that each model was a painstakingly long process as each dot and the wispy green line is all done by hand.

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Of course, when you spend all your time in the forest, some interesting creatures will find a nice perch on your shoulder!

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It looks like a Supreme Command Detachment of Librarians (or Druids) kept the Knights company as well. There really isn’t one single detail on any model from this army that was overlooked. Talk about a conversion project!

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While most of the landscapes across all Imperial planets have been industrialized, the Trees still have a voice! Plus, you don’t want to mess with the enforcers of nature.

This is just one of the hundreds of eye-popping armies spotted at the 2019 LVO. Keep checking back for even more Armies on parade as we explore deeper into what made it to the event.

What do you think about the details of the army? Has this inspired you to make your own Chapter or Space Marines? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.