Tzaanuary’s New Points Revealed For Age of Sigmar

Lord of change tzeentchNew Disciples of Tzeentch unit point costs teaser has been revealed. Check out the new update, and start working on your dream Tzeentch Army.

BoLS has the goods again on the new pitched battles, and point values of the units for Tzeentch from Games Workshop.

First off checkout the table of contents:

Chaos Battletome Content

Now for the unit point values:

tzeentch daemons pts

Overall, what you see is no change for most units and the one Battalion that carries over: The Changehost of Tzeentch.  You do however see some increases in points for the big shiny models for both Fateweaver and the Lord of Change. Let’s take a closer look at both of these:

  • Lord of Change: 300pts, (40pt increase)
  • Fateweaver: 340pts (40pt increase)

In both cases the big change is an increase in wounds from 10 to 14.  Additionally weapon options available with the new model have been added to the Warscroll and both now keep their default number of beak and talon attacks at all times, while their movement goes down as the model is damaged.

DOT daemons pts

Lord of Change is going to cost you 300 points, the same price as a Bloodthirster, but for his abilities and spells that seems like a reasonable amount. Then we see the Kairos Fateweaver coming in at 340 points! That might make you rethink where you really and truly want to spend your points.

What do you think? How are you going to build your Tzeentch dream team? Let us know in the comments below.

In case you missed it, Tzeentch also received new Battallions, Warscrolls, and Abilities!

The new Tzeentch Warscrolls are already available on the Age of Sigmar app for your phone or tablet.
tzeentch header

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