Unboxing Limited Edition Absolute Malice from Creature Caster

Creature-caster-unboxing-and-buildCreature Caster is at it again with more stunning models- check out our unboxing & build of thier Limited Edition Absolute Malice!

From big to small, Creature Caster is known far and wide for its amazing daemon models. This time around, they are tackling the unique smaller daemon models that make the perfect 40k alternatives. Let’s see what Rob’s first impressions are as he breaks it down! Just keep in mind, this was super limited with only 130 being made which have sold out already. 

Limited Edition Absolute Malice: Creature Caster Unboxing

Get Your Creature Caster Models Here

Limited Edition Absolute MaliceThis is the model we’re taking a look at today, and as we said, there were only 130 of these made, and they have unfortunately sold out already.

Before we get into the unboxing, let’s first check out the website.

Absolute Malice UnboxingThey generally do these as a reimagining of something from the regular line, which is just an excellent idea because even if you miss out on this, you can still score something similar.

Absolute Malice Unboxing 2As of writing this, they had about 30 left, so that just tells you how fast these sold out.

The Bits

Absolute Malice Unboxing 11Whenever you order something from Creature Caster, it comes in a really cool custom box with a sticker on the back saying what it is. They also wrap all the pieces in excellent bubble wrap packages.

Absolute Malice Unboxing 3When you get the bits laid out, they look amazing, and there are a ton of them!

Absolute Malice Unboxing 4When you get up close on the bits, they are just chock full of detail and even have these little shims around the more detailed areas to give them more strength and not take away from the look of the model.

Absolute Malice Unboxing 5Even the base is super detailed.

Absolute Malice Unboxing 6Rob would recommend using some blue-tac behind the model when cutting the bits out so you don’t break the resin.

Built Model

Absolute Malice Unboxing 7When all put together, the model just looks amazing. One quick note on this, Creature Caster actually sent Rob the model that was used as the display model at AdeptiCon, and they built it without many supplies or good lighting. So, it has a little bit of gapping, but if built correctly, you shouldn’t have the issue.

Absolute Malice Unboxing 8It would be really tough to find a model with much more detail than this!

Absolute Malice Unboxing 10When compared with Angron, this is a decent amount bigger and will be super-imposing on the tabletop.

Absolute Malice Unboxing 9If you limited edition models and don’t mind spending a little extra cash, this is a great way to go! Be sure to check out all the details below.

Click Here to Order Your Limited Edition Absolute Malice!

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