We knew there would be Tau and Fyreslayer models, but it looks like Games Workshop is offering even more exclusive miniatures in some stores.
GW generally has store-exclusive miniatures for each individual store’s anniversary and when new stores open. If you want any of the miniatures we look at today, be sure to check with your closest GW store and see when they are opening.
Unexpected New GW Store Exclusive Miniatures Spotted!
This time, it looks like they are bringing back some pandemic-era favorites out of nowhere that are nearly impossible to find at a reasonable price anymore.
Let’s start with the two miniatures GW promoted on Warhammer Community for 2024 and then move on to the other stuff! These pictures come from the Pinecrest Pointe Warhammer store. From the looks of it, even if stores renew their lease, that may count as a store opening, which allows it to sell even more exclusives than just a typical anniversary event.
Those two miniatures will not be free, but you can only score them at openings or store anniversaries. However, if you spend above certain thresholds, you will also get a bunch of swag for free (well, free since you already spent cash). If you’re going big (over $400), you can score all kinds of swag, including a bag, pins, and more.
Here is a closer look at the store birthday miniatures you can buy, if you missed that reveal in early 2024.
Invocation of the Elements- Tau Miniature: Warhammer Stores Exclusive
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This miniature, titled Invocation of the Elements, wears flowing robes inscribed with the icon of the Ethereal caste, while their staff is embellished with each of the other caste’s insignia.
This miniature will definitely stand out from your other Ethereals! If you play Tau, it will be worth picking up (or at least thinking about) the composition, and sculpting is the best yet.
Brakki of the Gilded Key- Fyreslayer Miniature: Warhammer Stores Exclusive
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This miniature is packed with detail, from the intricate key that gives the duardin his name to the raging flames atop his Latch-axe. It also features a beautiful cape fashioned from the scales and hide of a Magmadroth, and Brakki is sure to stand out on the battlefield when you use him in your Fyreslayer armies as an alternative Runesmiter.
If you need a dwarf with a key, GW has you covered with this model! While not the most dynamically posed miniature, he should be a good addition to your army.
Exclusives Miniatures Return
We knew about the other two store minis, but it looks like you can also score some older exclusives that we thought were relegated to the secondary market.
In-store Exclusive: Sergeant Ripper Jackson
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Ripper Jackson was the first bit of love Catachans had gotten in a while from GW, well, other than the Colonel. This originally was going to be an in-store exclusive mini back in 2020, but GW also made her MTO on the site for a while.
However, it looks like you can score her once again from GW! If you can make it, we would pick one of these up as they are going for $65+ on eBay right now.
Primaris Sergeant Jovan
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This guy was another store exclusive for 40k in 2019. And while he may be a Primaris, he’s actually not a Lieutenant. He’s got one of the more dynamic posing/bases that we’ve seen in terms of Primaris characters so far. At the end of the day, he’ll make a fantastic (insert T4 HQ here) for any Chapter.
Leena Stormspire: Warhammer Stores Exclusive 2019
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Leena Stormspire was a hero that was only available for store openings, refurbishments, or relocations back in 2019. So they must have found a stash of old miniatures and decided to get them out!
Berek the Indomitable
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Berek the Indomitable (also from 2019) is a Stormcast that specializes in damage. With a big two-handed hammer, he doesn’t need to try to block anything. Like Leena, he’s posed standing over the top of a Greenskin he’s just slaughtered. It looks like he literally batted the torso off on an Orruk and ran over to go stand on it for the classic “Captain Morgan hero pose.”
Be sure to look for the Invocation of the Elements and Brakki of the Gilded Key miniatures at your local GW store whenever their anniversary is. If you’re lucky enough to get your hands on some of the unexpected exclusives, such as Ripper Jackson or Berek the Indomitable, you’ll have some rare and unique additions to your collection that are nearly five years old!
Remember to keep an eye out for store anniversaries and new store openings in your area to get your chance at some of these exclusive miniatures.
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