Upgraded Patrol Vehicle: Army of One

By Joshua Dunkerly | November 10th, 2019 | Categories: Army of One, Space Marines, Warhammer 40k News

space marineThe Space Marines are some of the most powerful warriors in the 40k universe but even they need to bring out the big guns sometimes!

Check out one amazing model brought to us by Vasiliy Shipilov of Liber Daemonica.

Repulsor/Impulsor full magnetization.

space marineThe Space marines have access to most of the machines that the Martians create.

space marineIncluding all the new Repulsor tech and Primaris tech, those two things alone give them a huge advantage.

space marineWhy run over the enemy when you can just float over the battlefield while blasting holes in the enemy.

space marine“Bring it on!”

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