Waaagh’s Greatest Warrior: Army of One

By Joshua Dunkerly | December 2nd, 2023 | Categories: Army of One, Orks, Warhammer 40k News

thats one big as s orkThe Orks always nominate the biggest ork to be the boss, and the biggest ork around is not always the best way to go!

Here are the latest models from the community, brought to us by Michael Caffrey on the Spikey Bits Hobbies Facebook Group.

You will fall in line!

thats one big as s ork 3

My latest commission, Ghazghkull Thraka. Mostly Citadel contrast paints.

thats one big as s ork 2

I have the most time fighting umies just listen to what I have to say.

thats one big as s ork 1

“I have taken this world!”

Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits, and seeing your name in lights? We want those pics!