Wag My Dog? New Tau & GW Bits “Scandal”

By Rob Baer | March 19th, 2013 | Categories: Editorials, Warhammer 40k News

One day after dumping it’s bombshell of questionable legal mumbo-jumbo on it’s “partner stores” and it’s distributors in North America, the Tau are conviently leaked.

Which leads some to believe that this was all planned to divert attention away from this new “policy change” that has so many people from retailers to customers up in arms.

So whats wagging got to do with any of this? Well I may have been watching too much of the show “Psych” lately, so I find that now I like to break events down and compare them to similar situations in movies to find clarity.

Wag the Dog was a 1997 movie staring Dustin Hoffman, and Robert DeNerio (among others). It was a satire featuring the President of the United States, creating a fake war to cover up a sex scandal that probably would have seen him not get re-elected.

So I think some interesting parallels can be drawn from that movie, to the events of late last week where at least our gaming attention was drawn away from a very serious issue.

One of the reviews for the movie when put into the context above is frighteningly similar as to what was perhaps, the intended effects of the Tau leak (or again I could just be watching to much “Psych”).

Wag the Dog is a brilliant satire of the American political system with enough realism to make it plausible. It speaks the strongest to people who already have a visceral loathing of the American democratic process (not how it was in 1789 but how it is now). They see a degraded and ignorant public easily duped by politicians who are no more than habitual liars who will say anything to get elected but lack any idealism whatsoever. Intelligent, funny, but also very depressing, 9/10.

Games Workshop’s document to its retailers was also leaked, and you can see a copy here for yourself.

For me the most disturbing part of this document is here;  

“This POLICY reflects the unilateral decision of GAMES WORKSHOP after a careful review designed to assess and pursue the best interests of GAMES WORKSHOP’S business and its brand. In issuing this new POLICY, GAMES WORKSHOP is not seeking your agreement to the requirements outlined below. The decision to comply with this POLICY is left to each individual Retailer. However, GAMES WORKSHOP does reserve the right, pursuant to this POLICY, to terminate sales of GAMES WORKSHOP products to any Trade Account who chooses to violate this  POLICY or any Authorized Distributor supplying a Retailer that chooses to resell in violation of this POLICY.”

Which again I can draw some interesting parallels to a great movie, this time one we have probably all seen.

“Fear will keep the local systems in line. Fear of this battle station.”
―Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin Episode IV

“The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.”  ―Princess Leia to Grand Moff Tarkin Episode IV

That’s my soapbox for today folks, what do you think about all of these recent events? -MBG