Warhammer 40k’s Top Unbeatable Army Lists Now

tyranids eternal crusade hor wal

Warzone Atlanta was held over the weekend and we’re finally able to see what the latest unbeatable army lists are for Warhammer 40k now.

Warzone Atlanta had players come from all over bringing beautiful and unique lists. After an entire weekend of playing, we can see what lists managed to rise above the others.

Get you tickets early, because this is a sell-out event each year. Come check out the top armies!

1st place Aeldari- Red Powell

incubi dark eldar wal hor

Battalion Detachment Drukhari-Prophets of Flesh


  • Haemonculus
  • Urien Rakarth


  • Wracks x5
  • Wracks x4
  • Wracks x4


  • Grotesques x10
  • Grotesques x10

Supreme Command Detachment Craftworld Biel-Tan


  • Autarch Skyrunner
  • Farseer Skyrunner
  • Warlock Skyrunner

Spearhead Detachment Drukhari-Kabal of the Black Heart


  • Archon (Warlord) –Writ of the Living Muse

Heavy Support

  • Ravager (disintegrator cannon x3)
  • Ravager (disintegrator cannon x3)
  • Ravager (disintegrator cannon x3)

Dedicated Transport

  • Raider (disintegrator cannon)
  • Raider (disintegrator cannon)

Total Points: 1992 CP:10

Like any Eldar list, this was a fast, hard-hitting force. Ravagers and Raiders were able to skirt around the enemy while firing shots. Meanwhile, Grotesques with the Haemonculus were acting as the brute force of the list. You’d be surprised at what kind of a beating Grotesques can take.

The other units like Wracks were mainly there for objective taking and cheap detachment filler. Of course, the player also brought the triple Skyrunner package deal with his army. They’re always a solid choice as they’re badass units that can’t be targetted because they’re characters. It’s some solid damage output that the enemy can’t readily deal with.

Congratulations to Red Powell for coming in first place at Warzone Atlanta!

2nd Place Tyranids- Nick Nanavati

Tyranid Carnifex Wal Hor


nanavati warzone

Nanavati’s list doubled down on the Kraken Hive Fleet in two Battalions. Bringing four big characters, the other units acted like shock troops and tarpits. Old One Eye and the Swarmlord were able to make short work of anything they could get a hold of. Meanwhile, the Flyrants acted as screen clearers for the Genestealers to slam right into the heavy armor.

While Nanavati’s Tyranids were running up the board, they were also under the cover of six Hive Guard firing at key targets and Venomthropes giving a -1 to hit bubble. The idea behind this list was fast and hard-hitting. It didn’t have a lot of high-toughness to soak wounds, but its speed and elusiveness made up for it.

Keeping up with the theme we spotted since the Fall FAQ, Tyranids and Eldar are sticking around the top of the meta. There were boogeyman lists running Castellans, but it looks like they were effectively nerfed after all. Eldar and Tyranids basically didn’t get touched by the FAQ which made them skyrocket in proficiency.

Like we said before, Warzone Atlanta had some of the most beautifully painted and unique lists the 40k community has to offer. Great job to everyone who came out there and showed off their armies!

warzone atlanta

Warzone Atlanta

What do you think of the top two lists in the meta? Do you run something similar? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.