The Final Resting Place For Old Marine Models

Are Space Marines days numbered? It looks like the final resting place for our beloved old Marines has been revealed as they pass into Warhammer Legends…

Before we jump in, it’s important to note that right now, some old Marine units are still much better than Primaris. There are still areas of 40k that old Marines just do better and are much more versatile. However, it seems that the official “cemetery” for old 40k models has been announced.

Warhammer Legends Is Where Good Models Go to Die


As far as the official GW announcement goes, they’ve added the Chaplain on bike and Imperial Space Marine to the Warhammer Legends list. Being added to this list means that they’ll always have rules/points/power level. However, GW won’t ever touch their datasheet again. Once it’s there, it’s locked in. Meaning over time, as points and rules fluctuate, these guys will stay exactly how they were when they first got added to the list. Essentially, this seems like the start of the old Space Marine “phasing out” process that everyone has been worried about since Primaris Marines hit the scene in 2017.

It’s Not Just Warhammer Legends That’s Giving the “Phase Out” Away

new codex supplements Space marine

Looking at the new Space Marine codex, the Stratagems sheet was updated. It turns out that Predators lost their Kill Shot stratagem and Vindicators had to say goodbye to Linebreaker Assault. That’s two old Marine vehicles that lost stratagem support overnight.

But that’s not all…

Classic Chapter Characters Are Crossing the Rubicon Primaris





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We’ve slowly been seeing all of the named characters across the Chapters cross the Rubicon Primaris to stay “relevant”. This makes the old models obsolete as they gain a new datasheet. So far we’ve seen Kayvaan, Tiggy, Kor’sarro, and Marneus all make the change. We could be seeing more characters get updated as more and more codex supplements release later on.

Looking at where Primaris sit right now, a majority of their focus has been on shooting units so we’ve still got full use out of melee things like Terminators, Wulfen, Death Company, Veterans, etc. However, it looks like there’s nothing stopping GW from focusing in on them in the years ahead.

Looking Forward Years Down the Line

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As far as the long-term things go, it’s been two years since the first Marine codex and we’ve just got our 2nd. We could be seeing a third Marine codex drop in another two years that tightens the squeeze on old Marines just a bit more. Until ultimately, the Warhammer Legends roster becomes more and more populated, with not just marines but any 40k unit that GW may want to drop/replace from the current lineup.

Even with GW’s other games, like Warhammer Underworlds and Blood Bowl, a phase-out of old units and editions has started and they are only two and three years old respectively.

What do you think about GW bringing in more Primaris to replace older models? What do you think will make the Warhammer Legends list next?

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