MUST SEE Incredible Painted Warlord Titan – Army of One

By Sans Workshop | September 10th, 2015 | Categories: Army of One, Forge World, Titan, Warhammer 40k News

sans warlord titan

Come see the very first model that we have featured that literally is an army of one, the Warlord Titan, Avatar of the Emperor.

San’s Workshop brings us one of the best looking painted Warlord titan’s out there!


~  Witness the power of the god-emperor made manifest.

I am the executor of his will, a symbol of his reign.

I am the very last thing enemies of men will behold. ~

Hey guys!

Today I would like to introduce you a very fine piece of art that is now finished.

Look at the amazing job he did, the weathering and all.

Checkout our page at here .

Also his instagram is here.

Let’s visit !

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