Top 3 Forge World Units For Space Marines Now

By Wesley Floyd | September 14th, 2019 | Categories: Forge World, Space Marines, Tactics, Warhammer 40k News

legion glaive space marines forge world.jpg

Space Marines are getting reworked with supplements and better Chapter Tactics. So with all of these new rules which Forge World units are good now and why?

If you haven’t been keeping track, Iron Hands rules were just previewed along with an older batch of improved Space Marine Chapter Tactics, Doctrines, etc. With all of these much-needed buffs, we’ll be taking a look at our picks for which FW units are best fitted for a few selected Chapters.

Iron Hands Leviathan

The Leviathan is already a strong unit. But when you throw some Iron hands support on it, the Leviathan becomes a MACHINE.

iron hands CT 2019

At T8, 14 wounds, 2+/4++, the Iron Hands Leviathan also gets a free 6+++ FNP, overwatches on a 5+ (think about 20 storm cannon shots here) and degrades as if it had double the wounds. But the fun doesn’t stop there.

calculated fury

While you have the Devastator Doctrine active, Leviathans also ignore heavy and can reroll 1’s with heavy weapons. That means that’s a 24+8″ threat bubble at no penalty to hit AND rerolling 1s. You don’t have to babysit these guys with a Captain now.

iron hands relic iron stone

Finally, with their new relic, the Ironstone, they reduce the damage they take by 1. That completely counters enemy storm cannon Leviathans and thing slike avenger Gatling cannons. But the best part about this relic si that it’s a 3″ aura. Meaning you can bubble three dakka leviathans up and they’ll all get the bonus.

Black Templars Contemptor

contemptor dreadnought leviathan


black templar CT 2019

Black Templars have an interesting choice here, but Contemptors aren’t too bad of an option if you want a tanky “in your face” unit. For this, you’ll want a Contemptor with two close combat weapons. You’ll have a T7 chassis with a 2+/5++/5+++. bent on making it into melee.

dreadnought drop pod 1

Assuming this Drop Pods can come in turn one now, as paying for the points lets you get past the Reserves rule. So that means that loading a CC Contemptor into a Drop Pod isn’t a bad idea. You’ll be able to come in 9″ away on turn 1 with 4 3-flat damage attacks rerolling hits of 1 and rerolling failed charges. Even if you whiff on your charges, you’ve still got a tanky Dreadnought that’s in their face. They’ll be forced to deal with it in some way. We still haven’t even seen all of the potential rules for the Black Templars yet either and this is already a viable option!

Raven Guard Rapier Carrier W/ Laser Destroyer

rapier laser destroyer


raven guard ct 2019

On Chapter Tactic alone, Raven Guard are in a good position to being Rapier Carriers.  The laser destroyer variant is a solid option because it’s got 36″ range meaning the enemy will have to move over 24″ closer to get rid of their +1 armor bonus. Meanwhile, you’ll be sending a S12 -4AP D6-3D6 damage shot downrange per 100 pt model each turn.

In essence, you’ll be able to punish armor all game if they aren’t able to close the gap on these guys.

These are just a few neat combos we’ve seen that might be in good standing for Space Marines so far. We still have yet to see all the rules previewed in the coming supplements so keep your eyes peeled. But in the meantime, what do you think about these unit options for these Chapters? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!