What To Buy Next: 40k Orks & Building Da Wartrike

By Tim Roberts | November 5th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News

What To Buy Next For 40k Orks & Building Da Wartrike

Wondering what you should buy next for Orks in Warhammer 40k? Don’t miss all the new kits unboxed, and follow along as we build the new Deffilla Wartrike!

The new Orks are here and they are rising oil leaking smoke bellowing dakka filled chariots of mayhem! Today we are going to go over the new Ork vehicles that are fresh off the press and assemble the new Deffkilla Wartrike. So, put on your ‘umie helmet and hang on!

What To Buy Next For 40k Orks & Building Da Wartrike


First, out of the starting gate, we get a look at the new Ork Data Cards and Ork Dice. In the card pack, you will see the new Ork Psychic Powers along with Tactical Objectives and Stratagems. We would love to see Games Workshop release the unit data cards for their new codex as they did for the Imperial Knights release.

Who knows maybe one day in the near future it could happen!


As far as new kits go, the first one we get open in our unboxing video below is the new Mek Workshop. If you have a keen eye you will notice that two out of the four sprues that comes in this kit you get in the Speed Freeks Starter set. We also get a look at how difficult it may or may not be to assemble this new kit as Rob goes over the instructions.


The Megatrakk Scrap Jet is a great looking kit that looks a lot like the Tim Burton Batmobile, but the way that GW focused on some of the computer slicings of bits to hide seam lines make this kit a little harder to customize.


The Rukkatrukk Squig Buggy is a great looking one sprue kit that launches Squigs at unsuspecting enemies. Rob goes over this new ride and instructions so you can figure out the best subassemblies for painting.


The Boomdakka Snazwagon is by far Rob’s favorite kit from this release and he goes over in the video below how this kit is probably the most customizable of the new Ork buggy kits.


Last but not least Rob goes over and assembles the new Deffkilla Wartrike. This kit is a great value and for every casual player who ever wants the Forge World Warboss on Bike, this might be a great less expensive stand-in!

These new Ork Buggies are long overdue. and might get the greenskins stuck in even faster than ever.

As always keep those hobby muscles strong, Stay in the trenches, and check out our Ork War Buggies Unboxing & Build video below!