What To Expect From GW AdeptiCon 2022 Warhammer Preview

new gw previews adepticon LVO nova openWild times and new releases look to be on the way from GW at their 2022 AdeptiCon Warhammer Preview this Wednesday!

GW likes to do big previews at the large conventions throughout the year so this isn’t unexpected. The preview unfortunately this year is going to be quite late (or really early) for the majority of us. Still, we hope they will reveal tons of minis!

Over 700 tickets for the live preview at AdeptiCon are already gone, so if you’re going to the event, it looks to be one of the biggest yet!

Let’s take a closer look!

What To Expect From Games Workshop AdeptiCon 2022 Warhammer Preview

AdeptiCon Preview 3

We’ll be publishing full details of every reveal right here on Warhammer Community, so you can dig right into the juicy details of each and every announcement at your leisure – even if you’re soundly asleep or hard at work when the live show premieres.

To make sure you catch everything as it happens, check out the list of timings below, which will let you know when you can watch live.

AdeptiCon PreviewIf you’re not going to the event, you can watch live on Twitch, or come back here for all the coverage. Here’s what they had to say about it in the latest Warhammer Community article.

We’ve also got tonnes of hobby right here on Warhammer-Community.com – along with a look at some of the new rules from Arena of Shades and interviews with some of the designers of the new Aeldari kits, we’ll have full coverage of all of the big reveals from this year’s AdeptiCon. 

AdeptiCon Preview 2

If you’re lucky enough to be attending, you can join us live for new reveals for Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, and The Horus Heresy before anyone else.

It looks like all the major games will be seeing something this time around. Let’s hope some of the reveals are huge and who knows? Maybe this is the time they actually reveal the new starter for Horus Heresy (we hope).

With Eldar as the last thing to be revealed, there is still plenty left to go. Chaos would make sense for a reveal this time around, as they have already received some new minis, so we expect a book and new models soon.  Remember GW teased the new Death Guard release for late summer/ fall way back at Adepticon 2017 in March.

If you are going to the event, check out the schedule below for AdeptiCon.

Warhammer Preview AdeptiConWe’re not sure if GW will just sort of re-run the video from AdeptiCon which starts at 8 PM local time according to the AdeptiCon site.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should keep an eye out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

GW Previews New Miniatures Models for 2022 starting with Warhammer+ Plus

let’s check out some of what it could all be. We’ll start with 40k and AoS, then move into the other games.

If you want to see the sneak peek of the minis, they come in around the 35-second mark.

Warhammer + new models


Warhammer + new models 2


warhammer plus models

A new year also means new subscriber-exclusive miniatures to come for year-long members. Did you catch them in the trailer? We’ll be showing them off in full later in the year. 

The first one, if you ask us, is much easier to tell as a Chaos character of some kind. Just look at how furrowed and evil his brow looks! Judging by the armor it also looks something like a Terminator to us. The second model is a bigger shot of the body, but it could honestly be a lot of different factions. We assume it will be for AoS, and it really looks like the most likely candidate is Ossiarch Bonereapers. The armor looks like it could be something for them and obviously, they love their quarterstaffs.

Games Workshop New Years Day 2022 Preview

Within the video above which debuted on Warhammer Community, there are at least seven, possibly nine or even ten, new models. We don’t get a full look at any of the models, however, we do get glimpses, and one definitely stole the show at least for us.

Let’s look at each of them.

gw 2022 daemon engine 1This first image looks very much Chaos Renegades. Specifically, it resembles the Maulerfiend’s;s weapon, which leads us to think there could be a new potential Daemon Engine of sorts coming!

gw 2022 daemon engine 2Backing up the Daemon Engine idea, we’ve got more chaos-y metal and exhausts that you’d see on top of such a construct along with these armor plates a frame later.

AdeptiCon 2022 Warhammer Preview: Gloomspite Gitz

gloomspite gitz age of sigmar how to playAgain, this is about a 3-year-old book, with how much things have changed with AoS in that time, not to mention a new edition, they need a little bit of work. They are still performing okay but could use some reworks.

We’re not sure what new minis they will get, as their model line isn’t that old. Still, they will probably get a new champion or two, or at least a couple of reworks.


ogor mournfang 'Let’s just say we are hoping beyond hope this is true, and that basically, they get a rehaul on almost all of their minis! We don’t even care about the book so much, just the need for some new minis! S0rry gluttons, your time may have come…

A large portion of their units is from before the change over to AoS, meaning they haven’t been touched in years and years. This could be a massive overhaul, or if GW doesn’t feel like it, maybe they just redo a unit or two. Let’s just hope that’s not the case!

Beasts of Chaos

sc beastsYou know an army needs a rework when the pictures on the site for multiple of their units are still on square bases. It’s like GW just didn’t even care enough to change them to the new format over the years.

So, yeah, they need a rework and new minis! Maybe they and Ogors can come in a new starter box together with all new minis! One can dream, but according to these rumors, we don’t have that long to wait until we know for sure

AoS Possible Reveals

gloomspite gitz trollWe’ve heard rumors for a while now about Beasts of Chaos vs Gloomspite Gitz. This will be a dual army box, meaning if you play either side, you’ll be getting new stuff! The gobbo side of things will see a new Scuttleboss on Giant Spider. While the old mini isn’t too bad, it’s really nothing to write home about.

While that’s nice, Beasts of Chaos will be getting a whole host of new minis! They will be getting three new minis, Doombull, Bullgor, and Jabberslythe. All three of those kits really need a rework (not to mention everything they have). 

Start Collecting Ogors

According to the rumors, they will be getting a new box along with their upcoming new book. In that, they will grab a new plastic Slaughtermaster/Butcher. This is great because they’ve needed an update for a long time. Not sure if they will be grabbing other new minis or not, but at least they can look forward to one new one for sure. 

 Ossiarch Bonereapers

bone kings ossiarch bonereapers age of sigmarThey received some new stuff for Underworlds, so that’s usually a good precursor to new minis for AoS. This probably won’t happen for a while, but it looks like they will be getting a new hero on foot and Mortek Archers. So two new units is something you can’t complain about!

GW Reveals the Next 4 Battletome Books for Age of Sigmar

aos battletome roadmap

Surprising precisely no-one, the Mortal Realms have been set alight with conflict once more.* On the burning shores of Aqshy, two disparate forces of Order muster against each other in an epic grudge match, while Nagash’s loyal servants have descended upon the Daughters of Khaine in an attempt to ‘reclaim’ aelven souls within the Arena of Shades.

AdeptiCon 2022 Warhammer Preview: Necromunda

The final entry in the LVO preview is Necromunda, and it explores the inhospitable region of the Ash Wastes. Nothing in the way of miniatures were revealed, but the video associated with this release is done in a comic book style, and according to the Preview Team, may have some hints about possible miniatures to come.

So great are the distances between hives that even the most athletic gang won’t get far on foot, so what vehicles can be scraped together will serve your gangers well in the trials to come

Get ready to leave the hive behind… soon!

RUMORS: New Necromunda Ash Wastes Truck Spotted!

Genestealer Cults TruckThe Reddit post is about how the Genestealer Cults could take over the vehicle. Obviously, by the name of the expansion from GW, it’s all about the gangs that control the Ash Wastes. Still, if it’s a new fast-moving vehicle, it could easily be for GSC or might even have some cross-over rules for 40k.

We also know GW does not like to make art if there aren’t minis, the pic on the left is from a recent Rumor Engine, and the pic on the right is from the recent trailer. They match up pretty perfectly, and from the looks of it, the model will be really close to the artwork.

Necromunda TruckThen from another pic, it looks like the armored containers kit from GW will actually fit on the back. That makes us believe this is going to be some kind of flatbed trailer.

Battlezone Manufactorum – Munitorum Armoured Containers

This would be really cool if you could kitbash it like this, or maybe there will be a container from the Ash Wastes set made specifically for this. 

Necromunda TruckOr who knows, maybe there will be a huge kit like this with a giant armored convoy to fight over. Either way, it looks like another rumor engine has been solved this time as we weren’t sure exactly what this vehicle would be for…

AdeptiCon 2022 Warhammer Preview: Necromunda Roadmap

necromunda roadmap

This toxic, rad-scoured landscape is too expansive to fit into a single book. In fact, the wastes are so vast we’re introducing them with a massive new boxed set, which will be followed soon after by a whole series of books exploring the factions that battle across the wastes. 

AdeptiCon 2022 Warhammer Preview: Horus Heresy

What appeared to be pictures of a new Plastic two-player Horus Heresy set featuring a Contemptor Dreadnought along with a Spartan Tank surfaced on Reddit.

Horus Heresy Box 1


Horus Heresy Box 2


Horus Heresy Box 3


Horus Heresy Box 5


Horus Heresy Box 6Note that these are photos of images on a monitor which are probably legit “leaks”. (we say leaks in quotes because many hobbyists have their doubts that GW is not leaking images intentionally to follow up with cheeky announcements to build hype for their products).

And why wouldn’t they? It’s literally worth millions of dollars in sales for them to do so…

However, some of these leaks have been coming out way ahead of releases leading many to speculate that playtesters, translators, and content creators alike are getting tired of the way Games Workshop has been conducting themselves in general.

Plus new rumors are even saying the release date on this set may have been moved, and the Spartan may actually be a dual kit- which would be pretty neat!

If you missed the lastest few previews from GW in 2021, you can get all caught up on those from our coverage below:

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should keep an eye out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

Are you excited about the next GW preview at AdeptiCon? Will you be watching live? 

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About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!