When Mars Attacks! Ad Mech LVO Army Showcase

The Ad Mech were at it again bringing another crisp army to the tables of the Las Vegas Open. Take a look at what this list brought to play with.

The 2019 LVO brought players from all around the globe under one roof to roll dice. That being said, there were some amazing armies spotted on the tabletops. Check out this mechanical martian force.

LVO 2019

We move fast taking pictures when we’re guests at tournaments helping to cover the event for them. If this is your army and you would like the full-size images or credit added to the article, just email us:

When Mars Attacks! LVO Army Showcase

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Running with the classic Mars-based theme, these Ad Mech brought the Dragoons, Robots, and a Castellan! Before we jump into the army, have you ever seen such a crisp basing job to match the display board? Awesome job!

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Getting a closer look at the minds behind this army, a Tech-Priest Dominus and Enginseer kept the machines running.

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These Ruststalkers were in charge of harassing the enemy and causing a headache up the field while the Castellan and Robots pelted everything in their way.

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Speaking of robots, that deep red looks amazing. Plus, it looks like these guys just rolled out of the factory with not a single inch of paint chipped and every bolt polished.

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And finally, even the units that make up the rest of a CP battery got some love and attention. Each T3 model has a double-sided cloak AND glowing packs. For a unit that’s so cheap and fragile, some serious hobby effort went into these guys. Great job!

What do you think about Mars-themed Ad Mech lists? How did you base your Ad Mech? What’s your favorite loadout on the Kastelan Robots? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!