When Warhammer 40k Conversions Started With Star Wars

games-workshop-40k-flashbackBack in the day Games Workshop used to make and feature conversions in White Dwarf from all sorts of wild things, even a Star Wars AT-ST!

Welcome to 40k Flashback, where Rob digs deep for something cool from back in the day, which according to the comic Dane Cook was a Wednesday… (maybe that reference is a type of flashback itself) Come see a blast from the Warhammer 40k past, Star Wars style!

Flashback: When Warhammer 40k Conversions Meet Star Wars

Back in the day, we had to make conversion out of anything, literally. Deodorant Bottles, Gi Joe, and even Star Wars toys. We also walked uphill both ways to play our games, while it rained, and you got rocks thrown at you by trolls. It was a really tough time to be a hobbyist, but at least nobody cared what you made your minis out of!

It was a magical time when trips to the toy store were to look for conversion inspiration, and the clearance aisles were a treasure trove of amazing finds. Check out this precursor to the resin Warhound Titan, by Forge World head honcho Tony Cottrell himself.

wd120This Scout Titan (made from a Star Wars AT-ST toy, Zoids, and other various toy parts) first appeared in White Dwarf 120 in December 1989.

EM120TCp4If you remember this don’t feel bad, you’re not old, just a seasoned player, yeah, that sounds better… It’s so cool to see where the inspiration came from, and you can really see that he used this as a solid jumping-off point for the real mini. Even today, the mini from Forge World looks a lot like this!

GW-action-figures-entrainment-earthClick Here To Get Your 40k Action Figures!

EM120TCp5 - CopyWhat a magical time. Clearly, we can see Mr. Cottrell is a very talented hobbyist who ultimately formed Forge World and continues to bring fantastic creations to the tabletop, just a little differently than in the 1980s. Instead of resin, it’s an amalgam of plastic exploration from tons of toys!

Memories…What do you think about the flashback? What’s your favorite model or conversion from the old days of Warhammer 40k? 

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