White Dwarf #392 hit over the weekend, and as expected it was all about the new Warhammer 40k Starter box, Dark Vengeance.
And oh my do the new minis look gorgeous!
These models blow away all the other starter set figures, combined! Heck, when was the last time you saw tentacles reloading a holstered bolt gun?
New shiny things aside, the while thing felt kinda forced, with no “real” content (besides the Dark Vengeance premier) and some Fantasy kinda thrown in as an afterthought. There wasn’t even an article on painting which really made me kinda sad, cause those have been really good lately.
But on the plus side there was another ad about “The Hobbit”, which I’m very stoked about by the way.
Other than that, there was plenty on Dark Vengeance! I was a little upset once I discovered that there was a bunch of minis with their poses duplicated, but don’t get me wrong I love the new minis. I just think for the price point we could have gotten more unique poses, that’s all.
So take a look at the video below, and enjoy all the new minis.
Oh and for another good read about the new Starter set, check out my editorial article here.
Good luck to everyone going to the NOVA Open this weekend! -MBG