How To Make Fortifications Great Again In Warhammer 40k!

By Wesley Floyd | April 16th, 2019 | Categories: Tactics, Terrain, Warhammer 40k News

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If you’ve been missing those Warhammer 40k terrain fortifications on the table top in 8th we have an idea on how to make them great again.

Do you play a faction that has a terrain piece in 40k? We’re talking about Orks, GSC, Chaos, etc. You most likely haven’t seen it anywhere in a hundred miles of a competitive event…But why is that?

Terrain Pieces Take Up An Entire Detachment


The faction terrain pieces come with a series of special rules that help out the army. For example, the Tectonic Fragdrill for GSC lets the player re-deepstrike and also dish out a nasty amount of mortal wounds in the right circumstances. While the enemy can’t shoot at and destroy it, it still comes with a hefty price tag.

The terrain pieces cost points and take up an entire force detachment slot. That means you’re dropping about 100(ish) points on a terrain piece AND you’ve locked yourself out of more potential CP. Congratulations, 40k player! You’ve just shot yourself in the foot.

Assassins Got it- Terrain Needs it Too

40k Assassins Index Rules Revealed in March White Dwarf 2019

You might remember the Assassins rules index in the White Dwarf. They used to force players to do funky things with their detachments because the Assassins has keywording that didn’t match up with things like Astartes or Imperial Guard.

It just so happens that they got a nifty little 1CP stratagem that sideboards Assassins into the Imperium force without taking up any space.

That type stratagem may be exactly what the terrain pieces need. Just a small 1Cp stratagem that would let players bring a terrain piece along after the game starts. Of course, they would still have to pay the reinforcement points as they do with they Assassin stratagems too.

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In a new world of “free” LoS blocking bunkers in the ITC, wouldn’t it just be a good idea to bring your own along, and not have to blow a whole detachment on it? We think so.

Would terrain pieces begin to see play on the competitive tabletop if they had a stratagem that stopped them from taking up a detachment slot?

What is the best terrain piece out there right now? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.