Works With LEGO: 40k Bits Come In Another Form!

koruit lego walAre you a LEGO fan? Well, these bits aren’t actually LEGO but they are compatible. They’ll be bringing your 40k units to life in a new way!

Coming from Customize Minifigures Intelligence, a brand called KORUIT is bringing LEGO-compatible bits to the hobby world themed around 40k. Note that these ARE NOT LEGO and aren’t official in any way. You won’t ever see this on shelves in stores or marketed by the classic LEGO company. ]However, KORUIT has been doing this a while and has other amazing bit collections like Gondor Guards from LOTR and even some characters from Game of Thrones.

40k Imperial Guard Bits Compatible With LEGO From KORUIT

koruit lego guardsmen

Looking at Cadian Guardsmen, they’ve got the upgrade bits from helmets and armor plates to backpacks, lasguns and more! They click right on top of existing LEGO minis.

koruit lego guardsmen 2There are a few unique wargear bits out of the bunch. Some of the easier-to-spot ones are the vox caster, plasma gun, chain sword, Ad Mech axe, and hand flamer.

koruit lego guardsmen 3Just like that, the pieces click right on top of any LEGO character body and can be used however you want! With stop-motion short videos growing in the LEGO community, we could be seeing a new type of grimdark videos hit with these characters inside!

Be sure to check out KORUIT’s other awesome supplemental bits for popular movies/game characters if you haven’t already. However, sticking to the realm of 40k, these bits previewed from above are only for Guardsmen right now. Although, who’s to say we won’t be seeing Kharn, Marneus Calgar, and others like Mephiston get some LEGO-compatible bits in the future?

Would you like to see more unit upgrade kits in the future? Could Grimdark stop-motion LEGO videos be on the horizon now? 

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Flexing Your Hobby muscles: LEGO Storm Bolters

BrickGun Lego Stormbolter Space Marines (2)Like LEGO? One 40k hobbyist decided to flex their hobby muscles in a new way. They actually made a pair of working storm bolters completely out of LEGO bricks! Read More