Wraith Knows No Bounds: Army of One

By Joshua Dunkerly | November 8th, 2020 | Categories: Army of One, Eldar, Warhammer 40k News

Wraith KnightsWhen the Eldar are ready to battle they bring out all sorts of amazing fighting machines, most of them made of Wraithbone!

Come see some awesome minis brought to us by Antoine Wilmot of Ticos Minis on Spikey Bits Hobbies Facebook group.

Here goes the two big wraith-thingies, with a few magnetized options.

Wraith Knights

The Eldar have some crazy walking robots that can take on Knight Titans.

Wraith Knights

They have almost as many weapon options as the Space Marines.

Wraith Knights

“I will destroy you Mon’keigh!”

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