Fabius Bile Goes to Cadia: War of The Spider LATEST

fabius bile walMore teasers are here for War of the Spider as Fabius Bile looks to be preying on both the Custodes and Death Guard on Cadia.  Here’s the latest!

Warhammer Community dropped a short story on their website that gave more insight into Psychic Awakening. However, combined with the latest previews to hit Warhammer TV’s Facebook, we’ve got a pretty good idea of what’s going down.

Fabius Has a Death Guard Relic & They Mad

fabius bile chaos wal

So in the short story TL:DR, Fabius is on his ship called The Wretch with a relic of the Death Guard called the Ark Cornucontagious. The Death Guard are rightly upset about it and start chasing down Bile.

The Ark Cornucontagious didn’t belong to him in the strictest sense, and the Death Guard weren’t too happy about the way he had obtained it from them. The fools thought of it as holy, a gift from the Rainfather himself, and they had been adamant in their ambition to get it back.

Since Bile and his forces had stolen it from them, the Death Guard had been doggedly pursuing his fleet, picking off ship after ship of the renegades. At last it seemed that Fabius’ ragtag fleet had shaken off its pursuers. It had been days since they had seen one of the bloated Death Guard ships, but Fabius was sure that they’d show up again soon.

Then later…the Death Guard pop up out of nowhere.

‘Are you aware that the Death Guard just emerged from the warp right at our heels?’ he screamed. ‘They outnumber us by far! We are doomed and it’s your damned fault!’

After a mix of dialogue and a solid platform for the Death Guard to be introduced into Psychic Awakening (unlike their red herring of a story in The Greater Good), Bile sets course for Cadia. But not if Typhus has anything to say about it.

The Wretch is on course to the Cadian Gate, my master,’ Fluggogh said.

Typhus snorted. ‘Then we’ll meet him there, and we’ll have a conversation about the meaning of ownership.

Latest Video Shows Bile on Cadia

After Cadia blew up, Abaddon left and Bile looks to have moved in, bringing the Death Guard and Custodes into the fold.

fabius bile cadia 1We’ve got a clear picture of what’s going on. Death Guard and Custodes aren’t a fan of Bile and probably have different reasons for them being there.

fabius bile cadia 2In this pic, we can see some Eliminators in the background with what looks to be Death Guard walking up on some of Bile’s Servitors while they’re extracting some gene-seed from a Death Guard dude and a fallen Custode. But what comes next is probably the scariest thing we’ve been left to think about for 40k in a while.

The Worst Part of it All…

fabius bile cadia 3Fabius is working on a Custode…calling it one of his new creations. If we’re left to think about it, we could be seeing Custodes crossed with the durability of the Death Guard, making these horrifyingly tough and lightning-quick warriors.

After seeing all this, it looks like we’ll be going back to Cadia in the next book. With Custodes and Death Guard both hating the same dude, Fabius is going to have a lot of hate poured on him. He’ll have to deal with the brutal endurance of the Death Guard combined with the speed and line-breaking firepower of the Custodes. But if he got his hands on enough raw materials to mash them together, making super-super soldiers, he could probably hold his own.

At this point, it’s interesting that the Imperium doesn’t just withdraw all Custodes from the planet and exterminatus is about three times over. They could get a two-fer killing Fabius as well as an entire Death Guard fleet.

What do you think Fabius’ new warriors will look like? Does a Deatstode sound like the last thing you’d want to face IRL in 40k?

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