Hobby Community Roasts GW For Dropping Death Guard!

By Rob Baer | January 29th, 2020 | Categories: Death Guard, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

death guard walFeels bads! The Hobby Community absolutely roasted Games Workshop for dropping Death Guard from Psychic Awakening: The Greater Good. Ya gotta read this.

Warhammer Community revealed the next three factions in Psychic Awakening: The Greater Good, and the Death Guard are nowhere to be found. Let’s dive into the highlights of everything!

Death Guard Mentioned in Psychic Awakening Stories

Death Guard Wal Hor Nurgle Death Guard Space Marine Heroes 3 SPOTTED!The Death Guard were mentioned in more than one instance in the past week or so of Psychic Awakening previews. With stories of Tau fighting for their lives against a Plague Fleet and the Death Guard guns sounding “wet” squirt squirt, we all thought they were the next Chaos faction to get support. Take a look at one of the bigger excerpts from a story:

‘This is O’Shaserra speaking. I hope this message arrives in time for you to be warned. In time for you to act. We successfully traversed the Startide Nexus and established contact with our lost brothers and sisters of the Fourth Sphere. As suspected, they had suffered a failure of their AL-38 Slipstream modules but… we don’t understand exactly what happened yet.”

Shadowsun was warning the forces on the Tau side of the Startide Nexus that a fleet of Death Guard would be emerging from the portal. And that her forces would not be able to defeat the plague fleet.

Death Guard Typhus Wal Hor

“Thus,’ Commander Shadowsun spoke on, ‘I have come to a decision. We cannot stop the Death Guard this side of the Startide Nexus. After dozens of battles, our fleets are too damaged. Our strength has depleted to a point that we cannot halt this incursion any longer, if we still want to secure the expansion of the Nem’yar Atoll. We are now forced to choose, and we choose the latter. We are trusting in you, our comrades beyond the Nexus, to counteract the Death Guard threat.”

GW Drops Death Guard From The Greater Good

imperial guard smiling walAs part of the latest preview from Warhammer Community, they outright spoke about the next factions we would be seeing:

 The Greater Good focuses on the the Imperium – in particular the Astra Militarum – battling both the invading T’au Empire and the rising tide of Genestealer Cults. Commander Shadowsun leads the Fifth Sphere Expansion of the T’au Empire forces into the strategically vital Chalnath Expanse, bringing her mastery of the Kauyon way of war – the art of the patient hunter – to these embattled worlds.

It seems odd that, after weeks of Tau fighting tooth and nail to contain a Death Guard Plague Fleet, GW just drops all of that and now Tau are fighting GSC and Guard…

Hobby Community Roasts GW Over Greater Good

roast handNot long after the word dropped that DG wasn’t getting their rules as soon as we thought, the community started to roast GW. And honestly, we can see why. After stories dedicated to Tau fighting Death Guard and virtually no mention of Imperial forces, people really got their hopes up for Nurgle’s boys to come to the tabletop with some heat.

Take a look at what’s been going on at the Warhammer 40,000 Facebook, currently with nearly 300 comments. Whew, GW’s social media team had their hands full for sure with this one…

death guard herring 1


death guard herring 2


death guard herring 3


death guard herring 4

and those are just are favorites from day one, lol.

What happened is essentially the equivalent to Gandalf showing up in Lord of the Rings, doing something really cool and useful for the fellowship, but turning around and running off never to be seen again. Then, a random, never-before introduced character shows up and acts as part of the team when nobody knows who he is. And if that went down in theaters, people would’ve rioted.

gandalf memeUltimately, this is probably just a suspense-building technique that completely backfired on GW’s part. So, unfortunately, we’ll have to wait for a book later down the line for Death Guard rules. Hopefully, they learned something from it, this time around.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me…   Ancient Proverb -M1

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