Owls Well That Ends Well: New GW Rumor Engine Spotted

gw rumor engineGW dropped another rumor engine and all we can say is owls well that ends well! Check out this bit making its way into the growing list of mysteries.

Warhammer Community unveiled another rumor engine right on time with a clear image of the mystery bit….except it’s not much of a mystery. Following the recent theme of rumor engines, it seems like the bigger question falls on what is this bit a bigger part of? Check it out for yourself.

Owls Well That Ends Well: New GW Rumor Engine Spotted

rumor engine 5-26-20So we’ve got a little mystical owl thing perched on something. Whether its perch is a tree branch or someone’s shoulder, we don’t know. But looking back at some of the more recent kits to come from GW, there seems to be a growing trend of pets on characters’ shoulders.

inquisitor draxus 1We’ve got Inquisitor Draxus with her space dragon.

idoneth lotannFor Age of Sigmar, there’s Lotann and his touchy-feely Octopus friend.

Now while this Owl in the rumor engine looks like Hedwig from Harry Potter, we doubt we’ll see a wizard with glasses make his way into Age of Sigmar. From all we can see, both games are solid guesses as to where this little guy could turn up.

What do you think this Owl is perched on? Do you think it’s for a new faction or a new model coming to an older army?

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