First we had some new 40k release rumors, and now it’s Fantasy’s turn!
Looks like Games Workshop’s version of Oprah is on the case around the office, and ‘erebody is getting releases OR it’s entirely possible that Games Workshop might be transitioning to ‘splash’ release strategy.
Either way apparently a ton of new GW kits were spotted and here’s the details on what is coming down the pipe in the months ahead:
Of this set, the Boar riders are much needed, and once again, another source reports a dual-headed dragon kit for Chaos.
Via the birds in the trees 1-22-2015
Chaos: Very large Dragon kit, spotted in the process of being painted up. Two-headed, very serpentine in pose. Mounted by a Chaos Knight. Taller than Nagash enormous wings dwarf its large base. Said to be truly stunning.
Dwarfs: Large golem built of boulders/stone, covers with runes. Dwarfs atop it manning a platform mounted gunpowder weapon.
Orcs: New Boar-riders kit. New modern dynamic poses, with fully armored & armed Ork cavalry atop, leaning far forward in their saddles.
In various stages of development, time to market unknown.
These rumors are rated: Probable, coming from trusted known sources.
Full WFB Miniatures Rumors Thread
-Is this the first solid info we have for 9th related shenanigans?