Warhammer Old World Roadmap new relases teasers previewsHere’s the latest Warhammer The Old World new releases roadmap for 2024 and previews for all the upcoming miniatures and Arcane Journals!

Warhammer The Old World is back, and players can rejoice as Games Workshop has released more new previews for upcoming releases in  2024.

With the return of the Forces of Fantasy, the Ravening Hordes, and all the exclusive minis returning to The Old World, excitement is at an all-time high.

Warhammer The Old World Release Schedule:

factions warhammer the old world

The Bretonnians and Tomb Kings are just the first two of nine factions arriving for Warhammer the Old World.

They were quickly followed by Orc & Goblin Tribes and Dwarfen Mountain Holds, which seem to indicate a themed set of opposing releases for the Forces of Fantasy and the Ravening Hordes.

Warhammer The Old World Model New Releases Roadmap Updated for 2024!

warhammer old world title logo games workshop new releases warhammer roadmap

Take a closer look at the latest Warhammer The Old World previews and new releases, including updated and re-released models from Fantasy Battles and Arcane Journals, giving you a glimpse into what to expect in the upcoming year.

Dwarfs Return to The Old World With a New King & Old Favs

dwarves old worldTons of miniatures are returning to Warhammer the Old World for the Dwarfs, along with a new king, a Slayer Lord, and Bugman!

Read More Here!


Orc Shaman Ogdruz Swampdigga


Orcs & Goblins Army Box 4

Orc Shaman Ogdruz Swampdigga – a new named character found in the Arcane Journal cast in Forge World resin.

There is still one character out there left to be released, but we’re sure they will eventually get more. Read more here

More Exclusive Minis Returning For Warhammer The Old World

New Bretonnian Old World Models 3

And while there might not be other unreleased models coming to Warhammer: The Old World, he’s far from the only rarity to return. Many factions will receive a few surprises in this vein – and this isn’t the only noble knight on foot mustering for the Kingdom of Bretonnia.

While they didn’t say that this Exalted Hero of Chaos from the 2009 Games Day would be making a return, they did tease a little more about all the other exclusive models returning.

Grand Cathay & Kislev Miniature Releases

When it comes to enjoying Fantasy Warhammer, it sometimes feels like the physical tabletop gets left in the dust. Games Workshop has released an update for those with the Shadows of Change DLC for Total War: Warhammer 3, discussing Grand Cathay and Kislev faction updates.

Unfortunately, they dropped a little reminder for Old World players, which may be a bit disappointing.

Warhammer: The Old World no update Kislev Cathay

In May 2020, Games Workshop released an update on Kislev for Warhammer the Old World, but we haven’t seen much since.

Warhammer The Old World Base Sizes Guide

bases warhammer the old world

Games Workshop has released a Warhammer The Old World base sizes guide; check out what is changing and what models need rebasing.

Overall, the Games Workshop new releases roadmap promises many exciting miniatures for Warhammer The Old World games in the coming months. With so much on the horizon, it’s hard not to be excited about what they will reveal next.

Be sure to check out all the other new release roadmap previews from Games Workshop below for Age of Sigmar, Horus Heresy, and, of course, Warhammer 40k as well:

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

What is your favorite of these upcoming Games Workshop New Releases from the Warhammer The Old World Roadmap? 

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